Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
147.180 MHz Amateur Radio (ARES, RACES and Sky Warn) This is the Westmoreland Emergency Amateur Radio Service's main FM Voice Repeater, located in Greensburg PA. Our weekly Net is here at 9:00 PM every Wednesday. Club Meetings are 2nd and 4th Tuesday at the Unity EOC at Latrobe Airport. | 0 Listeners |
Amateur Radio Clearnode KC3CDU Amateur radio as heard by KC3CDU on AllStar node 50493. | Offline |
Armstrong/Westmoreland Public Safety ICCORS (Inter County Regional Radio Systems) Armstrong County EMS, Fire & Law Enforcement. Westmoreland County East EMS, Fire & Law Enforcement | 5 Listeners |
Greensburg Fire Dispatch and Operations Greensburg Fire Department is located in Greensburg, PA housing 6 companies: 5 engines, 1 tiller truck, dive team, swift water team, bloodhound team, and many more.See notes for more details. | 4 Listeners |
Jeannette City Fire | 0 Listeners |
KC3CDV Clearnode | Offline |
Laurel Hill Area NOAA Weather Radio WXM33 | 1 Listeners |
Norfolk Southern Conemaugh Line Streaming feed for the NS Conemaugh Line. Monitors: Dispatcher, Milepost Annunciation, Defect Detectors, Train Crews, and MoW Crews. (AAR Channel 35 - 160.635MHz) | 1 Listeners |
Pittsburgh Area NOAA Weather Radio (KIH35) | 0 Listeners |
Westmoreland County Fire This feed is located in Westmoreland County, PA and monitors the fire talk groups of the ICORRS Public Safety System. | 10 Listeners |
Westmoreland County Police Dispatch This feed provides audio from the ICORRS (Inter County Regional Radio System) in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. This feed is for Westmoreland County Police agencies and monitors the following talk groups... WE PD 1 Disp District 1 Police Disp | 2 Listeners |
Westmoreland County Public Safety Monitoring the county-wide 800Mhz P25 Digital TRS only. Includes selected talkgroups for Police, Fire, EMS, and EOC/EMA TAC channels. See our info page for a complete agency/channel coverage list. | 108 Listeners |