Top 25 Feeds

Live Audio Feed Status
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police
Indy, Lawrence, Speedway, Beech Grove.
1565 Listeners
Cleveland Police and Metro Housing Authority
Also includes traffic control and special operations channels.
700 Listeners
Des Moines Police Dispatch 1
Des Moines Police Department primary dispatch channel.
349 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Citywide
Columbus Police Division on the Ohio MARCS-IP System scanning all six zones (Dispatch Channels).
279 Listeners
Sedgwick County Law Enforcement
Includes Wichita PD, Sedgwick County Sheriff, and Kansas Highway Patrol-Metro
279 Listeners
Greater Lansing Area Public Safety 270 Listeners
Sacramento County Sheriff and City Police
Sacramento County Sheriff's Dept and Sacramento Police Department. This feed includes all main dispatch channels for both agencies. (ALL P25 NOW)
260 Listeners
Pittsburgh Police, Fire and EMS233 Listeners
Chicago Police Department Zone 08222 Listeners
Lincoln Police and Fire, Lancaster County Sheriff
(((Stereo Feed))) Left = LAW, Right= FIRE/EMS LEFT: City 1 West, PD/Sheriff 3 East, Sheriff Evenings 5 EX DISP Right: Lincoln Fire TAC 2 through 7
219 Listeners
Fresno City Police, Fire and EMS218 Listeners
Springfield Police and Fire, Greene County Sheriff and Fire
Springfield Police dispatch Zone 1 and 2. Springfield Fire dispatch. Greene County Sheriff dispatch (PAT 1). Greene County Fire dispatch. Fire Ops and rural departments moved to Springfield/Greene Fire Operations feed.
209 Listeners
Buffalo Police, Fire and EMS186 Listeners
St. Clair County Police, Fire and EMS Simulcast176 Listeners
FDNY - Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island176 Listeners
Jackson County Public Safety175 Listeners
Detroit Police Dispatch
DPD Dispatch talkgroups... 8040 Cent Dispatch Precincts 1 & 13; 8043 SW Dispatch Precincts 2 & 3; 8046 NE Dispatch Precincts 7 & 11; 8049 NW Dispatch Precincts 6 & 8; 8055 Western Dispatch Precincts 10 & 12; 8058 - Eastern Dispatch Precincts 5 & 9
173 Listeners
Worcester City Police
Worcester MA Police Dept
161 Listeners
Terre Haute Public Safety and Vigo County Fire
Vigo County Public safety system. Covering both Towers. THPD,THFD,VCSD,ISU,ISP,WTHPD,VCFD
154 Listeners
Buchanan County Sheriff and EMS, St Joseph Police / Fire
Scan list modified to only scan PRIMARY dispatch channels for SJPD, SJ Fire, BuCO SO, BCEMS, & BCFire.
153 Listeners
Memphis Police and Shelby County Sheriff
This feed covers the Memphis Police and Shelby County Sheriff dispatch talkgroups.
152 Listeners
Minneapolis Police, St Paul Police, and Ramsey County Sheriff
Channels for MPD: 1-5 SPPD: 1-3 RCSO: 1-3 (with CallQueue)
144 Listeners
Mesa County and Grand Junction Police, Fire and EMS
Grand Junction, Orchard Mesa, Loma, Fruita, Collbran, Fruitvale, Palisade, DeBeque, Clifton, and Redlands. Feed provided by JunctionNow
142 Listeners
Toledo Police Central Dispatch138 Listeners
Outagamie County Public Safety
Police, Fire, & Sheriff for the Cities of Appleton, Omro, Oshkosh, Grand Chute, Neenah, Menasha, Fox Crossing, UW Oshkosh, Kaukauna, Outagamie and Winnebago Counties.
136 Listeners