St Croix County Sheriff, Fire and EMS, State Patrol ...
Feed Status:     Listeners: 57


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Sheriff Dispatch from 157.450(Digital)    "Law 1"
Sheriff Dispatch from 155.580(Analog)   "Law 2"
St Croix County Fire/EMS from 154.325 "Fire 1"
WISPERN/VLAW-31 from 155.475
St Croix County Fire/EMS paging from 155.745

Unit IDs:

Behavior Health officers: BHxxx -- On-call mental health officers to scenes

County Sheriff Officers: 88xx

Hudson Police: 41xx - Hudson Fire: 31xx Hudson EMS: 51xx

New Richmond Police: 42xx New Richmond Fire: 32xx New Richmond EMS: 52xx

Woodville Police: 43xx Fire: "United Fire and Rescue" Woodvile EMS: 53xx

Hammond Police: 44xx Fire: "United Fire and Rescue" Hammond EMS: 54xx (First responders)

Somerset Police: 45xx Somerset Fire: 35xx EMS from Lakeview

Baldwin Police: 46xx Baldwin Fire: "United Fire and Rescue"  EMS: 56xx

Glenwood City Police: 47xx Glenwood City Fire: 37xx  EMS: 57xx

North Hudson Police: 48xx Fire and EMS from Hudson

Star Prairie Police: 483x Fire and EMS from New Richmond

Roberts Police: 49xx Roberts Fire: 39xx EMS: 59xx

River Falls Police: 25xx River Falls Fire: 95xx EMS: 65xx

Cxxx: Conservation Officers/Wardens

Corrections/Jail Staff: 89xx

Investigators: 881x

Medical Examiner(s): 41x

6xx Wisconsin State Patrol Eau Claire Post officers

7xx Wisconsin State Patrol Spooner Post officers