Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Calls Playlist | Listeners |
Grundy County, IL County Sheriff, City PD's, Fire-Ems, EMA, Public works, Mabas |
1 Listeners |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Grundy and Will Counties Public Safety | 31 Listeners |
Grundy County Consolidated Dispatch Center Covering communications for the following: Grundy Sheriff’s Dept., MinookaPD, MorrisPD, SenecaPD, MazonPD & CoalCityPD + GrundyEMA, MorrisFPD, SenecaFPD, MazonFPD, Verona-KinsmanFPD, GardnerFPD, SouthWilmingtonFPD, BracevilleFPD & CoalCityFPD. | 23 Listeners |
Grundy County Fire and EMS | 0 Listeners |
Illinois State Police Troops 1,2,3,4,5 This feed monitor's ISP Troops 1,2,3,4,5 | 16 Listeners |
Morris Police, Fire and EMS Morris Fire & EMS on Fire 1, and Fireground Red. OPS Channels, Countywide Paging. Morris Police. | 1 Listeners |
Seneca and Grundy County Fire and EMS Monitors Will-Grundy Simulcast Starcom Tower 113 For Seneca- Grundy Paging - Fire 1 & 2 - Ops talkgroups | 1 Listeners |