
Live Audio Feed Status
Alhambra Community Fire1 Listeners
Alton Police, Fire, EMS and Public Works
(Feed includes WDR PD & FD, EALN PD & FD, Pt2Pt, IREACH and ISPERN)
31 Listeners
Belleville Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch9 Listeners
Clinton County Public Safety
Clinton County Sheriff Dispatch, Countywide Fire & EMS Dispatch, & Local Police Dispatch. Also includes local fireground from Breese, Saint Rose, Germantown, & Aviston.
3 Listeners
Collinsville, Maryville Police & Fire3 Listeners
East Alton, Hartford, Roxana, S. Roxana and Wood River Police / Fire17 Listeners
Eastern Missouri Public Safety
This feed covers select agencies in Lincoln, Warren, Pike, Montgomery, and St. Charles Counties--including Fire, EMS, Police, Sheriff, Aircraft and Medical Helicopters. Radio is located in northern Lincoln County, MO
9 Listeners
Edwardsville Fire2 Listeners
Edwardsville Police0 Listeners
Edwardsville, SIUE, Glen Carbon, Madison County, ISPERN Police and Fire5 Listeners
Fairview Heights Public Safety1 Listeners
Fosterburg FPD1 Listeners
Franklin County Fire/EMS0 Listeners
Godfrey Fire1 Listeners
Granite, Pontoon, Madison (City), Mitchell, Long Lake18 Listeners
Illinois State Police - Troop 8 Collinsville (MetroEast)
Serves Madison, St Clair, Bond, Clinton and Monroe Counties (D11), Jersey, Calhoun, Greene, Macoupin and Montgomery Counties (D18) Interstates with-in the area are I-55, I-70, I-64, I-270 and I-255 near St Louis. Downstate IL Scanner Page
3 Listeners
Jefferson County Fire and EMS - Digital
Jefferson County Fire and EMS radio traffic utilizing new 800 MHz digital trunking system. Includes dispatch and fireground operations talk groups used county-wide.
16 Listeners
Jerseyville City Police / EMS
We cover Jerseyville Police/Sherriff Fire Ems.
11 Listeners
KA0EJQ 145.190MHz Repeater0 Listeners
KD9KOO 147.090 MHz Repeater0 Listeners
KFAM, K1BT, KH57, K8WC Airports
The better the weather, the more chatter you will hear. You will also hear Finger, Fingers and Air-to-Air traffic.
0 Listeners
Lincoln and Pike Counties Fire and EMS
Fire and EMS for all departments in Pike and Lincoln county Missouri. Also Pike Mo Sheriff.
1 Listeners
Lincoln County Fire/EMS1 Listeners
Macoupin and Montgomery Counties Public Safety Dispatch
Illinois State Police D18, Macoupin County Public Safety, Montgomery County Public Safety.
45 Listeners
Madison and Clinton Counties Sheriff, Fire and EMS
This feed is streaming Madison & Clinton county public safety & fire.
2 Listeners
Madison County Fire0 Listeners
Madison County Sheriff, Police and Fire
(includes Madison County Sheriff and Wood River, Roxana, South Roxana, and Hartford Police and Fire)
0 Listeners
metroTransit Public Safety - St Louis/St Clair Co
metroLINK -- metroBUS -- St Clair County Transit District (IL) Public Safety (Security), Emergency and Supervisor talkgroups, used on MOSWIN TRS. Security guards, along with armed Police Officers and TSM (Transit Security Managers)
2 Listeners
Mississippi River Marine St Louis Area6 Listeners
Missouri State Highway Patrol - Troop C
State Troopers, State Park Rangers, Conservation agents, and Law Enforcement Interagency from eleven Troop C counties. All in clear P25 digital, except for one FM 'Point to Point' channel.
27 Listeners
Monroe County Sheriff and EMA, Waterloo Fire
Includes Columbia Fire, Columbia Police, and EMS Dispatch
6 Listeners
New Athens Area Public Safety2 Listeners
New Douglas Fire0 Listeners
NS St. Louis District-BNSF Hannibal Sub-UP Jefferson City Sub
This feed is located in Maryland Heights Missouri, it scans 4 channels which are, ARR 22 160.440 NS ARR 31 160.575 NS ARR 74 161.220 UP ARR 87 161.415 BNSF
1 Listeners
O'Fallon and Shiloh Public Safety2 Listeners
Pacific Missouri Rail, UP Jefferson City Sub and BNSF Cuba Sub
This feed is located in Pacific Missouri and monitors the Union Pacific Jefferson City Sub (Channel 74 161.220) and the BNSF Cuba Sub (Channel 15 160.335, Channel 70 161.160)
St Charles Area Railroads (NS, BNSF, UP)1 Listeners
St. Charles County EMS and Fire Scene Radio Traffic
This feed is for active scene radio traffic between units and dispatch and unit to unit., does not include the Channel 1 radio traffic or Tone Out. Includes all TAC channels.
6 Listeners
St. Charles County Storm Spotters
Area weather spotters network. When no storms present, you may hear routine daily traffic by amateur radio operators.
0 Listeners
St. Charles EMS and Fire
St. Charles County Mo. EMS and Fire Depts.... Stereo Feed... All page out and non call related traffic on left speaker. All active Calls traffic on the right speaker.
17 Listeners
St. Clair County Railroads
Scanning railroads in St. Clair County, Illinois. A&S, CN, CSX, KCS, NS, TRRA and UP
0 Listeners
St. Louis Area NOAA Weather Radio KDO895 Listeners
St. Louis Area South Rail
This feed is located in Kirkwood Missouri and monitors these channels, Union Pacific DeSoto Subdivision Channel 91 (161.475), Union Pacific Chester Subdivision Channel 96 (161.550), BNSF River Subdivision Channel 85 (161.385), BNSF Cuba Subdivision Channe
0 Listeners
St. Louis City Fire - Command B
This feed will solely cover the St. Louis Fire Department’s communications on scenes that involve fires in structures such as houses, buildings, and garages. Units are Dispatched on the St. Louis City Fire Dispatch Channel then use Channel upon arrival.
4 Listeners
St. Louis City Fire - Command C1 Listeners
St. Louis City Fire Dispatch
This feed will solely cover the St. Louis Fire Department’s day to day communications with fire suppression units. You’ll be able to hear calls as they are dispatched, communications between Dispatchers and Fire Suppression Units, as well as communica
13 Listeners
St. Louis County Fire and EMS - North
SLATER 800 MHz P25 System: North Fire Dispatch, Main, TAC channels for Central County North
10 Listeners
St. Louis County Fire and EMS - South
SLATER 800 MHz P25 System: South Fire Dispatch, Main, TAC channels for Central County South And Kirkwood Fire
13 Listeners
Staunton Fire1 Listeners
Sullivan and Surrounding Area Public Safety
Scanner feed for the surrounding communities of Sullivan, MO
15 Listeners
Swansea Public Safety1 Listeners
Troy, St. Jacob Police & Fire1 Listeners
Union Pacific Jefferson City Sub Kirkwood Missouri
This feed is located in Kirkwood Missouri and monitors the Union Pacific Jefferson City Sub Channel 74 161.220
0 Listeners
Washington Fire - Main0 Listeners
WB0QXW 145.2100 MHz St Louis Repeater1 Listeners
Wood River Fire0 Listeners