
Live Audio Feed Status
Burlington Fire Department South
BCD996P2 scanning the following talkgroups on Halton Region South Simulcast: BFD Dispatch, BFD TAC 2-9, BFD/HFD Patch.
7 Listeners
Caledon Fire and Emergency Services TAC 90 Listeners
Durham Region GTA East
CN, CPKC, VIA Rail & Metrolinx railroad radio communications near Oshawa, Ontario, east of Toronto.
23 Listeners
Halton Hills / Milton Fire Department 4 Listeners
Toronto Emergency Services
Toronto Fire Services - Toronto EHS
6 Listeners
Toronto Fire Services Automated Dispatch - South Zone
Monitoring the Toronto Fire Services South Zone tactical channels (including Downtown), as well as the automated dispatch talk group.
27 Listeners
Toronto Transit Control
Toronto Transit Control Channels: Surface Ch.1 - General Dispatch | Subway Stations Desk | Events Ch 1-9 | YUS Line 1 Broadcast | BD Line 2 Broadcast |
29 Listeners
VA3PWR 443.2750 MHz and 53.1300 MHz Repeaters1 Listeners
VE3RPT 147.0600 MHz Repeater
VE3RPT 147.0600 MHz Toronto FM Communications Society Repeater.
1 Listeners