Durham Region GTA East
Feed Status:     Listeners: 29


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CN, CPKC, VIA Rail & Metrolinx railroad radio communications near Oshawa, Ontario, east of Toronto.

This feed monitors CN, CPKC, VIA & Metrolinx Rail radio communication in Oshawa & Whitby, Ontario..

CN Rail: The Kingston Sub. from Grafton to Durham Junction, the York Sub. from Pickering Junction to Doncaster and CN switching and Beltpack operations at the Oshawa yard, Oshawa Harbour Spur and the Whitby service track. CN Edmonton based RTCs now control all movements in Canada.

CP Rail: The Belleville Sub. from Lovekin MP 155.6 to Neilsons MP 195.9 and Agincourt Yard Tower and Car Dept.  CP Calgary based RTCs now control all movements in Canada.

Metrolinx: The Metrolinx GO Sub. & the Kingston Sub. from Durham Jct. Cherry Street  including movements in and out of the GO Transit Metrolinx East Maintenance Facility in Whitby.  Metrolinx RTCs now control all movements on their track including Kingston, Uxbridge and Oakville Subs and identify as MX Toronto RTC. Metrolinx now uses their own NXDN frequencies and a P25-Phase 2 Simulcast trunked radio system.

VIA Rail: On board services at the Oshawa Station MP 301.6 on the CN Kingston Sub.

Oshawa Rail Yards Notes

The Oshawa GM truck plant switching is contracted to Genessee and Wyoming. Truck frames arrive on open flatcars from CN and completed trucks are shipped out on autoracks provided by CP via their Oshawa Yard that they access using the bridge over the 401.The CN Oshawa Yard is currently being used for car and train storage, Mac Yard overflow, is home to yard job 546 and is often nearly full. CN Trains 516 (Mac Yard to Belleville) & 517 (Belleville to Mac Yard)  and others are daily regulars at CNs Oshawa Yard.

The CP Oshawa yard access to the CP Belleville Sub main line is expected to be used when Metrolinx expands rail service east to Clarington - info in this link: https://www.clarington.net/en/do-business/go-east-clarington.asp

References to these locations, radio frequencies, train numbers and much more information can be found in the Canadian Trackside Guide published annually by the Bytown Railway Society:   http://www.bytownrailwaysociety.ca/

This is a busy area with talking detectors and plenty of radio communications between train crews, RTCs, track foremen & MOW crews.

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"ProScan Free Client" Windows app available for download at  ProScan

Please remember that trespassing on railroad property is dangerous, illegal and expensive, a $600 Fine!


To those Railfans who are monitoring with radios that can transmit on the Railroad Frequencies: DO NOT TRANSMIT ON RAILROAD FREQUENCIES! It is a SERIOUS VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW, YOU WILL BE PROSECUTED & FINED and you will discredit the hobby. All it takes is a supervisor or a concerned crew member to report it.  WE CAN LISTEN IN, BUT WE HAVE NO AUTHROITY TO TRANSMIT!