
Live Audio Feed Status
Berlin Fire Dispatch3 Listeners
Berlin Police Dispatch
Listening to Dispatch - Channel 1
7 Listeners
Bloomfield Center Fire
Town of Bloomfield: Center Fire District.
1 Listeners
Blue Hills Fire
Town of Bloomfield : Blue Hills District
1 Listeners
Bristol Fire and EMS Dispatch8 Listeners
Burlington Fire and EMS Dispatch0 Listeners
Canton Police, Fire and EMS 2 Listeners
Clinton Fire Command1 Listeners
Clinton Police1 Listeners
Connecticut State Police
Connecticut State Police Troops A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L with Norwich, Groton, Ledyard, Stonington, Coventry, Plainfield, Montville, Bloomfield, CT HOTLINE's, DEEP East/West, UCONN, Bradley Int. Airport BIA, Trooper One/Two
20 Listeners
Cromwell Fire and EMS
Cromwell Fire P25 Dispatch Only
1 Listeners
Cromwell Police3 Listeners
CT Rail / Amtrak Springfield (MRS) Line - North End0 Listeners
CT State Police, Bloomfield Police, Rocky Hill Police
Connecticut State Police, Bloomfield Police, Rocky Hill Police
East Hadam K1IKE 147.015 MHz Repeater0 Listeners
East Haddam Fire and EMS0 Listeners
East Hampton, Marlborough, FIRE/EMS
East Hampton, Haddam neck, East Haddam, Marlborough FIRE/EMS
3 Listeners
East Hartford Fire Dispatch1 Listeners
East Hartford PoliceOffline
East Windsor Fire and EMS0 Listeners
Enfield Police1 Listeners
Enfield Police, Fire and EMS, Connecticut State Police Troop H
Feed provided - Enfield Fire Disp. EFD Ch 1, Ch 2 Ch 3, Ch4, Ch 8. Enfield PD Ch 1, Ch 2, InterOp. Enfield EMS, East Windsor Fire (WHPFD and Broadbrook Fire), Conn State Police Troop H. WLOX Fire, Suffield Fire.
11 Listeners
Farmington Police, Fire and EMS4 Listeners
Farmington Valley Fire Departments
Farmington, Canton, Burlington, Simsbury Fire Depts
2 Listeners
Granby and Windsor Public Safety
Granby & Windsor Police, EMS and Fire channels. East Granby Fire.
3 Listeners
Hartford Fire Department
Broadcasting P25 Fire Dispatch and Incident 1 thru 5. Fire Dispatch broadcasting on left speaker. Incident 1 thru 5 broadcasting on right speaker.
6 Listeners
Hartford Police, Fire and EMS
Hartford Police, Fire and EMS.
24 Listeners
Hartford, Tolland and Middlesex Counties Fire
(((Stereo Feed))) Left = Glastonbury Fire and EMS, Right = East Hartford, Hartford, Manchester, Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, Portland, Cromwell, Windsor, South Windsor and much of Tolland, Hartford and Middlesex Counties
Intercity Fire
Hartford County Intercity (Fire Hotline) System is comprised of 4 frequencies tied together covering VHF, UHF & 800Mhz
0 Listeners
KB1AEV Northern Connecticut Linked Repeaters0 Listeners
Long Island Area NOAA Weather Radio
Serving Long Island, NY and the surrounding areas...
1 Listeners
Lost Acres Fire0 Listeners
Manchester Fire and EMS2 Listeners
Middlefield Fire Operations
Middlefield Fire Operations P25 CLMRN crossband to UHF 453.250.
1 Listeners
Middlesex County Fire and EMS - Central
Fire and EMS Operations from Central Middlesex County
1 Listeners
Middlesex County Fire and EMS - Lower
Essex, Deep River, Chester, Killingworth, Haddam, East Hampton, Middlefield, Durham, Old Lyme all p25 Lyme Fd, Westbrook, Old Saybrook, uhf
5 Listeners
Middlesex County Fire and EMS - Northern
P25 Digital: Middlefield, Durham, Cromwell, Haddam, East Haddam, Chester, Deep River, Essex, Old Lyme Msx Paramedics,Troop F, DEEP, CT DOT Dist 2 (Storms Only) Analog: Old Saybrook,,Killingworth, Westbrook, Clinton, Lifestar
2 Listeners
Middlesex County Public Safety (CLMRN System)
Middlesex County departments and agencies on the P25 Phase 2 system only. Troop F, Valley Shore Dispatch, Msx Medics, Middlefield, Durham, Haddam, East Haddam, Chester, Essex, Deep River, Old Lyme, DEEP hazmat, marine, Parks East
2 Listeners
New Britain Fire and EMS
New Britain Fire & EMS on the new P25 Digital TDMA Phase II system: Scanning Fire Dispatch, Incident 1,2,3. Note: NBFD portables on scene utilize the 700 Mhz National Calling channels or STOCS for fireground ops, repeated to the Incident channels.
1 Listeners
Newington Police, Fire and EMS
The Whats Happening in Newington Feed of the Newington Police Fire and EMS.
4 Listeners
North Central CT Police
CSP Troop H, East Hartford, Enfield, East Windsor, Granby, Windsor, and Windsor Locks Police.
1 Listeners
North Central CT Police, Fire and EMS
CSP Troop H, East Hartford, Enfield, East Windsor, Windsor, and Windsor Locks Police, Fire and EMS. Hartford Hotline and WMLEC Interop.
2 Listeners
Old Saybrook Public Safety3 Listeners
Plainville Fire1 Listeners
Rocky Hill Fire2 Listeners
Simsbury Fire Dispatch1 Listeners
Simsbury Police
Simsbury Police Dispatch
2 Listeners
Simsbury Police (P25) & Ambulance1 Listeners
South Windsor Fire and EMS
The Police have gone encrypted, so this is Fire and EMS only at this point. If you don't hear anything, it's because there is nothing going on. There is no "audio problem" with this feed.
0 Listeners
Southington Fire
Main channel Dispatch operations for Southington Fire
2 Listeners
Southington Police and Fire11 Listeners
Suffield Police, Fire and EMS0 Listeners
Tolland County Fire Departments2 Listeners
Tolland County Fire/EMS, East Windsor and Ashford Fire 5 Listeners
Tolland County Public Safety / CSP Troop C
Tolland County Mutual Aid Fire Services (TN), Vernon, Coventry, and CSP Troops C and K.
0 Listeners
UConn Fire Dept Station 22 Storrs/Mansfield
University Of Connecticut Fire
0 Listeners
University of Connecticut Fire
UConn Fire Dept Station 122 Farmington
1 Listeners
West Hartford Police, Fire and EMS
West Hartford Police, Fire and EMS. Hartford Regional Hotline and Intercity.
2 Listeners
West Hartford Town Fire1 Listeners
Wethersfield Fire
I am aware of audio quality issues I am working on fixing it.
1 Listeners
Windsor Locks Fire
Windsor Locks Fire Department repeater 170.150
0 Listeners
Windsor Locks Police, Fire and EMS
Includes Bradley Airport Fire, Warehouse Point and Broad Brook Fire, East Windsor Amb.
3 Listeners
Windsor Volunteer Fire
This broadcast is patched to the FD Dispatch talk group on the town's P25 Phase 2 simulcast system
2 Listeners