Newington Police, Fire and EMS
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The Whats Happening in Newington Feed of the Newington Police Fire and EMS.
PLEASE NOTE: Newington Recently SHUT DOWN its Analog System and has moved to Digital. This feed is from the new digital feed. DO NOT CONTACT US about your scanner.
As a service to the community from the "What's Happening in Newington" Facebook Group and a tribute to the hard working Newington Police Department and Fire Departments I am proud to broadcast the Newington Police and Fire Feeds. Audio is captured using a Uniden SDS200 Scanner and then fed out to the Broadcastify.COM servers using RadioFeed.
We also use SDRtrunk to send all data from the New Britain CLMRN site to the Broadcsstify Calls Service.
Thanks for listening!
Scott Greczkowski
Newington Police, Fire and EMS Feed Operator