
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
LaSalle County, IL
ISP Troop 2, Lasalle Co Sheriff, Life Flights landing ops and IDOT
0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Utica Fire Protection District Backup0 Listeners
Allen Township Fire1 Listeners
BNSF Mendota
BNSF coverage in the Mendota, IL area.
0 Listeners
Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam Counties Law Enforcement
This feed monitors area city and county law enforcement agencies throughout Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam counties.
3 Listeners
Grand Ridge Fire
This Feed covers Grand ridge Fire/EMS page outs on the LaSalle County Fire Repeater. Also covers Grand Ridge Fire/EMS operations on the Grand Ridge Repeater and Mabas Red. Brought to you by Grand Ridge Fire Station.
1 Listeners
Illinois State Police Troops 1,2,3,4,5
This feed monitor's ISP Troops 1,2,3,4,5
8 Listeners
Illinois State Police, IDOT, EMA and LaSalle County Sheriff
This feed covers the StarCom21 and ClearTalk digital trunked radio systems. Monitored talkgroups include Illinois State Police, IDOT, Ameren, Corn Belt Electric, LaSalle County sheriff, and various emergency management agencies.
2 Listeners
Illinois Valley Regional Fire and EMS Dispatch
Monitors IVRD Fire/Ems dispatch for LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby, Utica, Mendota, State Fire, Ifern and Ireach.
1 Listeners
Illinois Valley Regional Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch
Monitors IVRD dispatch for LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby, Utica Mendota, Earlville & Spring Valley. Fire, Ems & Police. Also includes Ifern, Ireach and Ispern. Call sign ValCom
15 Listeners
La Salle County Sheriff and Fire Departments
This Feed Covers Numerous Fire/Ems Depts. in LaSalle Co. Also covers LaSalle Co. Sheriff Primary&Digital Channels. ISP Troop 2. Located at Wallace FPD Station.
7 Listeners
LaSalle County Fire and EMS
Feed Covers Fire/Ems Departments in LaSalle County only. Located at Wallace FPD Station 1.
1 Listeners
LaSalle, Livingston Marshall Counties Sheriff, Fire and EMS
This Feed covers Fire, EMS and county sheriff public safety frequencies. Digital Channels now included, Streator PD, ISP Troops 4,5 and Livingston Co Sheriff Starcom talk groups.
21 Listeners
LaSalle, Marshall, Bureau and Putnam Counties Fire and EMS Departments
This feed monitors area fire, ems, and emergency management agencies throughout Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, and Putnam counties.
2 Listeners
Northern Illinois Railroads
* Left = CPKC / CN * * Right = UP / BNSF * (Stereo Feed)
9 Listeners
Seneca and Grundy County Fire and EMS
Monitors Will-Grundy Simulcast Starcom Tower 113 For Seneca- Grundy Paging - Fire 1 & 2 - Ops talkgroups
1 Listeners
Streator Fire
This feed covers the Streator Fire Department's dispatch channel.
7 Listeners
Utica Fire Protection District 1 Listeners
Wallace Fire Protection District
Monitors WFPD Ottawa Central Dispatch, LaSalle Co. Fire Repeater and Mabas Red
1 Listeners