Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Calls Playlist | Listeners |
Dallas Public Safety Dispatch All Dallas Police, Fire, and EMS Dispatch Talkgroups on the North Texas Interoperable Radio Network (NTIRN) |
4 Listeners |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Dallas City Fire and Rescue This feed only carries DFR 1 TG 32001 and DFR 2 TG 32002 (EMS traffic) | 11 Listeners |
Dallas City Police - 1 Central Dallas Police 1 Central TG 31011 | 50 Listeners |
Dallas City Police - North Central Dispatch Dallas Police North Central Patrol Division - NTIRN Layer 1 (P25) | 11 Listeners |
K5RWK 147.1200 MHz Richardson Wireless Klub Repeater | 0 Listeners |
Metrocrest Amateur Radio Society (MARS) KB5A 145.210 Repeater | 0 Listeners |
Richardson Fire | 2 Listeners |
Rowlett Texas AB5U Amateur Radio Repeaters | 0 Listeners |
Sunnyvale Fire Rescue | 1 Listeners |
W5FC 146.8800 MHz Repeater Dallas ARC, RACES/SKYWARN. NTS daily @18:30, CERT net Fri. @20:00, Tech Net (radio Q&A, swap meet) Sat. @19:00, SKYNET (astronomy & space), Sat. @21:00, sci-fi movie discussion (Sat. @22:30). Every Mon.: a different net @19:00. All times local. | 1 Listeners |