
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Boulder City Fire
City of Boulder Fire Department Dispatch and Fireground
1 Listeners
Boulder City Police
City of Boulder Police Department Dispatch and Special Events
10 Listeners
Boulder County Fire Tac
Boulder County fire/ems/sar incident VHF frequencies: Fire2, FTAC2, FTAC3, FTAC4, FTAC5, FTAC6, FTAC7, FTAC8.
1 Listeners
Boulder County Sheriff and Fire
(((Stereo Feed))) Left = SO FIRE 1/BC Fire 1, Fire/Rescue Dispatch: Right = SO LAW 1/BC LAW 1, Law Dispatch Does not include Longmont or City of Boulder.
21 Listeners
Longmont Amateur Radio Club2 Listeners
North Central Colorado Counties Search and Rescue0 Listeners
Rocky Mountain Rescue Group
(((Stereo Feed))) LEFT Side = Simplex 155.235 - MRA 2 *** RIGHT Side = Simplex 155.160 - MRA 1. The primary user of these frequencies in this area is Rocky Mountain Rescue Group but you may also hear other SAR groups as listed in the feed info page.
1 Listeners
W0IA 146.7600 MHz Boulder County ARES RepeaterOffline