
Live Audio Feed Status
Douglas County Fire Department 800Mhz10 Listeners
Adams County Fire and EMS
Adams County Fire and EMS dispatch talkgroups from the Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC) trunked radio system, including Adams County Fire, South Adams Fire, Brighton Fire, Federal Heights Fire, North Metro Fire, Thornton and Westminster Fire.
5 Listeners
Adams County Law Enforcement
Adams County metro-Denver Law Enforcement Talkgroups from the Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC) trunked radio system, including Brighton PD, Federal Heights PD and Northglenn PD.
34 Listeners
Arvada Fire and EMS
Stereo Feed: LEFT = Arvada Fire/EMS Main Dispatch channel --- RIGHT = Arvada Fire/EMS TAC group 3 for major incidents.
15 Listeners
Aurora Fire
Covering Dispatch & Tac. Aurora Fire Rescue is an ISO Class 1 and internationally accredited agency covering 163 square miles of the City of Aurora, the 2nd largest city by area and 3rd largest city by population in Colorado.
11 Listeners
Boulder City Fire
City of Boulder Fire Department Dispatch and Fireground
1 Listeners
Boulder City Police
City of Boulder Police Department Dispatch and Special Events
7 Listeners
Boulder County Fire Tac
Boulder County fire/ems/sar incident VHF frequencies: Fire2, FTAC2, FTAC3, FTAC4, FTAC5, FTAC6, FTAC7, FTAC8.
1 Listeners
Boulder County Sheriff and Fire
(((Stereo Feed))) Left = SO FIRE 1/BC Fire 1, Fire/Rescue Dispatch: Right = SO LAW 1/BC LAW 1, Law Dispatch Does not include Longmont or City of Boulder.
24 Listeners
Castle Rock Repeater Club - 146.6700 Listeners
Centennial Airport Emergency Operations
South Metro Fire Rescue ARFF response channel. When there are no emergencies occurring, routine radio traffic with Airport Operations, Maintenance and Snow Removal personnel is common.
1 Listeners
Clear Creek County Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS and Mountain Rescue - Digital3 Listeners
Colorado Connection Denver (145.310MHz) Repeater0 Listeners
Colorado Connection Statewide ARS
Colorado Connection Statewide Amateur Radio Repeater System.
1 Listeners
Denver Health EMS
Denver Health EMS - Ambulance Operations, ETAC 1 - 8
13 Listeners
Denver Radio Club - 145.4901 Listeners
Denver Radio Club - 147.3300 Listeners
Douglas and Elbert County Fire Districts
Regional Fire Dispatch and Incident Operations including Castle Rock, Franktown, Jackson 105, Larkspur, Agate, Elizabeth, Kiowa, North Central, Rattlesnake and Simla.
1 Listeners
Elbert County Fire Agencies
Elbert County Colorado Fire Agencies Agate Fire, Simla - Big Sandy Fire, Elbert Fire, Elizabeth Fire Rescue, Kiowa Fire, North Central Fire, and Rattlesnake Fire
0 Listeners
Elk Creek FPD
Radio Feed for Elk Creek Fire
1 Listeners
Gilpin County Fire Dispatch/Fire Interop/Arapahoe-Roosevelt USFS Fire1 Listeners
Longmont Amateur Radio Club3 Listeners
Mountain Area Sheriff and Fire Departments
(((STEREO FEED))) Evergreen Fire - Elk Creek Fire - Indian Hills FD - Genesee FD- Intercanyon FD - Foothills Fire - State Patrol District 1a
5 Listeners
North Central Colorado Counties Search and Rescue1 Listeners
Park County Law Enforcement5 Listeners
Parker Radio Association Allstar node 4104600 Listeners
PEN 146.550
P E N live feed of 146.550
1 Listeners
Rocky Mountain Radio League Repeaters
Scanning the Rocky Mountain Radio League's repeaters: 145.220 MHz WT0C/R 145.340 MHz KE4GUQ/R 146.940 MHz W0WYX/R 224.000 MHz N0MHU/R 449.450 MHz K1DUN/R 449.750 MHz KI0GO/R
2 Listeners
Rocky Mountain Rescue Group
(((Stereo Feed))) LEFT Side = Simplex 155.235 - MRA 2 *** RIGHT Side = Simplex 155.160 - MRA 1. The primary user of these frequencies in this area is Rocky Mountain Rescue Group but you may also hear other SAR groups as listed in the feed info page.
1 Listeners
Sable, Bennett, Strasburg, Byers and Deer Trail Fire Agencies
East Metro Fire Districts include Bennett Fire Protection District, Byers Fire Protection District, Deer Trail Rural Fire Protection District, Sable Altura Fire Rescue, and Strasburg Fire Protection District serving Arapahoe and Adams Counties.
3 Listeners
South Metro Fire Rescue
ISO Class 1, Accredited FD protecting 300 square miles of Arapahoe, Douglas & Jefferson Counties including Bow Mar, Castle Pines, Cherry Hills Village, Columbine Valley, Greenwood Village, Highlands Ranch, Foxfield, Littleton, Lone Tree & Parker
55 Listeners
W0IA 146.7600 MHz Boulder County ARES Repeater0 Listeners
West Metro Fire Rescue
Lakewood Fire Dispatch, Includes West Metro Fire, Pleasant View, Wheat Ridge, no tags.
8 Listeners