
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Narragansett Bay VHF Marine0 Listeners
NB1RI Repeater Network0 Listeners
North Kingstown Fire Dispatch5 Listeners
Rhode Island Intercity Police and Fire1 Listeners
South Kingstown Fire Dispatch (UFD & KFD)
Union Fire District (UFD) and Kingston Fire District (KFD) dispatch channel.
1 Listeners
Southern Rhode Island and Southeastern Connecticut Fire and EMS
Regional Fire & EMS feed covering from Narragansett RI to Groton CT and north to Exeter RI. Includes all channels of Westerly Regional Dispatch Center. Also carrying the RI Marine Task Force 800 channel.
14 Listeners
Southern Rhode Island, Southeastern Massachusetts, and Eastern Connecticut Public Safety
Newport County RI, Bristol County MA and RI, Washington County RI, Kent County RI, New London County CT, Windham County CT, Providence Fire.
4 Listeners
Watch Hill Fire0 Listeners
Westerly & Chariho Area Fire Departments
Westerly, Charlestown, Richmond, Hopkinton, Stonington & North Stonington. Fire dept channels only, no EMS.
5 Listeners
Westerly Ambulance Corp0 Listeners