Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Allentown Area NOAA Weather Radio WXL39 | 2 Listeners |
Bucks County Fire - Central Feed contains Central Fire and Ops Also now on Zello Search Bucks Fire | 4 Listeners |
Bucks County Fire - Central Bucks County - Central Band (Primary) Bucks County - Central Ops (Secondary) | 1 Listeners |
Bucks County Fire - East | 9 Listeners |
Bucks County Fire - South/Ops Feed contains Fire South and Ops also on Zello Bucks Fire | 5 Listeners |
Bucks County Fire North and OPs Now also on Zello Search for Bucks Fire | 7 Listeners |
Bucks County Fire Police | 1 Listeners |
CSX/NS Woodbourne PA CSX 160:980 160:740 161:100 160:230 NS 160:800 | 1 Listeners |
Montgomery County Fire and EMS East, Bucks Fire/EMS West Montgomery Co: Dispatch, Regions 4,5,& 6. All Event Channels, Fireground 5 (range limited/line of sight only), Willow Grove (Sta 10) Local. Bucks County: Central Band (Analog from Sta 3 repeater), Fire/EMS Dispatch | 15 Listeners |
PA Turnpike Police Harrisburg - East Coverage between Harrisburg(Highspire) to PA/NJ Bridge -- (District 4) Officially Online 2017-3-26 | 2 Listeners |
Philadelphia Allstar Hub Node 27225 This is a broadcast of the Philadelphia Allstar Hub node 27225. You will hear both technical and general discussion by amateur radio operators connected to the hub from SE Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and throughout the US. | 0 Listeners |
SEPTA Regional Rail - North, South, City, MoW and Yard North, South, City, MoW and Yard. Covering counties BUCKS(PA) - MONTGOMERY(PA) - PHILADELPHIA(PA) - NEW CASTLE COUNTY(DE) | 0 Listeners |