
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Ohio Turnpike
Covers all Ohio Turnpike Maintenance, Toll Plazas, and Ohio State Patrol District 10 (Turnpike)
0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Akron Area NOAA Weather Radio KDO941 Listeners
All star node 571910
this is a feed for my allstar node, 571910. This feed is located in Akron, Ohio.
0 Listeners
Bath, Peninsula and Richfield Police, Fire & EMS
Bath Township PD & FD, Peninsula PD, Valley VFD & Richfield PD & FD
2 Listeners
City of Cuyahoga Falls Public Works
Public Works Operations City Wide, including Electric, Streets, Snow Removal, Building Department & Recreation
0 Listeners
Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club Repeater W8VPV
Nets Weekly: Monday 8:30PM & Thursday 9:00AM
0 Listeners
Cuyahoga Falls Police & Fire
Police & Fire for the City of Cuyahoga Falls
9 Listeners
Hudson Police & Fire
Police & Fire Dispatch for the City of Hudson
4 Listeners
Macedonia, Northfield Village and Sagamore Hills Police, Fire / EMS
Macedonia Dispatch of all area PD and FD including new 800 radios. Northfield Center SCSO not included
12 Listeners
Southern Summit County / Northern Stark County Public Safety
Barberton, Coventry, New Franklin, Green, Springfield, Hartville, Uniontown, PD, EMS, FIRE, Summit County PD, OSP 3 ,Metroparks Rangers, Mac1-15, Canal Fulton, Clinton, North Lawerance, North Canton, ,Jackson Brewster PD,EMS,FIRE
18 Listeners
Southwest Summit County Public Safety
Barberton, Copley, Fairlawn, New Franklin, and Norton Police, Fire / EMS, Ohio State Patrol Summit County, Summit County Mutual Aid
34 Listeners
Stow Police and Fire
Police Dispatch, Fire Dispatch and Firegrounds
6 Listeners
Summit County Fire and EMS
Includes countywide mutual aid channels (MAC) for multi-jurisdictional scenes. See info page for details.
9 Listeners
Summit County Skywarn0 Listeners
Tallmadge Fire
The City of Tallmadge, Ohio and the Village of Mogadore, Ohio Fire Dispatch.
26 Listeners
Tallmadge Public Service
The City of Tallmadge, Ohio Street and Water Department.
60 Listeners
Twinsburg, Hudson and Reminderville Police, Fire / EMS
TPD is unusually radio quiet most likely due to heavy MDT dispatching. As a result this feed includes Hudson PD, but by design all transmissions are queued and played into the stream in sequence so you'll never miss a transmission from any listed agency.
9 Listeners