
Calls Playlist Listeners
Ohio Turnpike
Covers all Ohio Turnpike Maintenance, Toll Plazas, and Ohio State Patrol District 10 (Turnpike)
0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
East Fire - Poland (WRJFD) New Middletown Coitsville Lowellville0 Listeners
Green Township Fire and EMS
Primary feed originating from the Green Township Fire Station, Fire Ground MARCs
0 Listeners
Mahoning County Public Safety - Digital
Local agencies have encrypted dispatch content, you can now only hear car to car and car to dispatch, as well as fire. Feed provided by BCD536HP over wifi on a 30 ft high discone antenna.
11 Listeners
Mercer County Fire / EMS, Trumbull and Mahoning Counties Fire, EMS / Police
{{{Stereo Feed}}} See the info section for details. Providing both Digital & Analog Frequencies to the Tri-County Area of NE OH & W PA
15 Listeners
Sebring and Alliance - Police and Fire2 Listeners
Springfield Twp and Beaver Twp Public Safety2 Listeners
West Mahoning County Fire Departments
Western Mahoning County Fire Departments. Milton Twp (St 500), Jackson Twp (St 600), Ellsworth Twp (St 45), Craig Beach Village (St 800) Fire Departments. Digital P25 Feed.
5 Listeners
Youngstown Fire1 Listeners