
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Columbus OH Fire
Columbus Fire / CMH Airport Fire / Firegrounds
0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Columbus Area NOAA Weather Radio KIG86
NOAA weather radio from Callsign KIG86 on 162.5500 MHz.
5 Listeners
Columbus Division of Fire, Franklin County Fire and EMS
Columbus Area Fire & EMS...... Monitoring dispatch, fireground & interop audio for Columbus Fire, MECC and other suburban fire depts. See feed notes for full details.
26 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Citywide
Columbus Police Division on the Ohio MARCS-IP System scanning all six zones (Dispatch Channels).
107 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Zone 11 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Zone 21 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Zone 3
Southwest Dispatch: Precincts 8, 10, 15, and 19 ---- Neighborhoods including: Franklinton, Highland West, Hilltop, Westgate, Holly Hill, Georgian Heights, River Bend, Briggsdale, Wilshire Heights
12 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Zone 41 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Zone 5
Central Dispatch: Precincts 11, 12, 13 and 16 ---- Neighborhoods including: Near East Side, German Village, Downtown, Far South, South Side, Brewery District.
2 Listeners
Columbus Police Dispatch - Zone 61 Listeners
Franklin County Events
Listen to public safety event talk groups.
1 Listeners
Franklin County Sheriff Dispatch - East
Traffic from the Franklin County Ohio Sheriff Department East P25 Marcs Radio System.
2 Listeners
Gahanna Police and MECC Dispatch2 Listeners
Grove City Police, Franklin County Sheriff Dispatch West
Includes Jackson, Pleasant, and Prairie Township Fire
3 Listeners
Northwest Fire Dispatch
Washington Twp, Norwich Twp, Upper Arlington and Worthington Fire Departments.
13 Listeners
South Central Ohio Railroads
Railroad communications from Delaware to Waverly and Newark to London
2 Listeners
W8AIC 146.7600 MHz Central Ohio Severe Weather Net
Providing real-time weather spotter reports for the following counties: Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Hocking, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, Ross and Union.
0 Listeners
Westerville Police, Fire and EMS
BCD996P2 Scanner listening on TGID's related to Westerville PD, Fire and EMS. Scanner is on UPS battery backup served from Windows Server 2016 running ProScan. Audio passes through LPF and BPF to provide clear and clean audio.
5 Listeners