
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Raleigh Police Dispatch
Raleigh NC Police dispatch, Citywide talkgroups, and Wake Event 10 (Multi-Agency Interop)
2 Listeners
Raleigh Durham International Airport
Raleigh Durham International Police, Fire, and Operations along with Mutual Aid 1 (usually used by RDU for medical/fire emergencies)
0 Listeners
Wake Sheriff Dispatch and Patrol
Wake Sheriff Dispatch and Patrol talkgroups, along with Wake Event 10 (Multi-Agency Interop)
1 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Amateur Radio DMR Talkgroup 313710 Listeners
Cary Fire-Rescue
Cary Fire-Rescue P25 / Cary-Apex-Morrisville Dispatch (CAM) Cary PS TAC 40 - 60. Cary Simulcast 596h / BEE00h / NAC 591h Cary Core Site 1-001 for Cary-Wake P25.
6 Listeners
Central Carolina Skywarn - WB4TQD 146.8800 MHz
This stream is currently on the 145.210 (K4ITL) where SKYWARN operations have moved to. The reason for the move is due to coverage issues on the 146.88. - Central Carolina Skywarn Information Net Tuesday's at 9:15pm EDT
2 Listeners
Central North Carolina Raleigh / Durham / Triangle Area Ham Radio Repeaters
Amateur Radio: NC 440 Carolina UHF Link System / KC4WDI Link System / K4ITL 145.21 Auburn Repeater / RARS 145.13 RTP Repeater / 442.675 NCSU Raleigh / 145.45 WR4AGC Durham
0 Listeners
CSX Transportation Aberdeen Subdivision - Apex
CSX from SW Apex, NC on the following frequencies/channels: 160.410 CSXT20 (Aberdeen FD Dispatcher), 160.890 CSXT52 (PBX Apex), 161.100 CSXT66 (Aberdeen Road), 160.590 CSXT32 (Raleigh Yard), 161.52 CSXT94 (Raleigh Yard). Antenna updated 28-Jan-2022.
1 Listeners
CSX/NS - Research Triangle0 Listeners
Garner/Smithfield Area NOAA Weather Radio WNG7062 Listeners
KC4WDI Linked Repeater System
146.94 Butner NC / 441.6 Raleigh NC / 444.175 Durham NC / 444.6 Oxford NC / 444.25 Louisburg NC / 444.25 Chatham Mtn NC / 442.425 Carthage NC
NOAA Weather Radio Central NC (WXL58)
Raleigh / Durham / Triangle (RTP) area NOAA Weather Radio feed of 162.55 MHz. Covers these counties in central North Carolina: Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Person, Randolph, Vance, Wake, Warren.
Norfolk Southern H-Line - Raleigh/Cary
Audio on Norfolk Southern's NC-Line from a radio located in Cary, NC (MP 72NC).
2 Listeners
The Box (AllstarLink Hub 60454)0 Listeners
Town of Holly Springs Police and Fire
Town of Holly Springs: 1. PD Dispatch 2. FD Ops 1 3. PD Training 4. Wake County "Event 10" Operating on a Uniden SDS200. As of Jan 2024 delay is running about 90 seconds.
1 Listeners
W4ATC Repeater 442.675+ 100 PL Raleigh, NC
(Student Amateur Radio Society) STARS, W4ATC Repeater on NCSU Campus.
1 Listeners
W4BAD Raleigh P25 Talkgroup 275652 Listeners
Wake County Fire
Wake County OPS/PS TAC Channels: - Wake Co. Fire/EMS Ops 1-12 - Wake Co. Fire/EMS PS Tac 13-39 - Cary Fire/EMS PS Tac 40-59 Operating on a Uniden SDS200. As of Jan 2024 delay is running about 90 seconds.
12 Listeners