Norfolk Southern H-Line - Raleigh/Cary
Feed Status:     Listeners: 1


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Audio on Norfolk Southern's NC-Line from a radio located in Cary, NC (MP 72NC).

Live railroad radio feed from receiver hosted in Cary, NC at the 72.0NC milepost. Railroads heard will include Norfolk Southern (NC-Line), CSX Transportation (S-Line/Aberdeen Sub), and RJ Corman's Raleigh and Fayetteville Railroad.

Equipment for the feed includes a Narrowbanded Kenwood TK-7180 and a tuned Tram 1487 antenna mounted 25' off the ground.

Part of the Carolina Rail Feed Association Feed Network.  Learn more at Our Website.

Frequencies Scanned

Norfolk Southern Danville District Road - 160.905 Mhz
Norfolk Southern Danville District Ch 2 - 160.515 Mhz
CSX Transportation Road Operations - 161.100 Mhz
CSX Transportation Dispatcher - 160.410Mhz
RJ Corman R&FRR Road - 160.845Mhz

Defect Detectors Heard

62.3NC (IBM Spur)
S168.3 (Apex)*
72.5NC (Cary Harrison Ave)

Ù­ Intermittent

Adjacent Feeds

West - Greensboro Radio Feed
East - Clayton Radio Feed
South - Apex Radio Feed