Central Carolina Skywarn - WB4TQD 146.8800 MHz
Feed Status:     Listeners: 3


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This stream is currently on the 145.210 (K4ITL) where SKYWARN operations have moved to. The reason for the move is due to coverage issues on the 146.88. - Central Carolina Skywarn Information Net Tuesday's at 9:15pm EDT

This stream is currently on the 145.210 (K4ITL) where SKYWARN operations have moved to.  The reason for the move is due to coverage issues on the 146.88.  Once the 146.88 repeater is repaired, I will switch the audio back. 

The 146.880MHz repeater (WB4TQD) is located in Raleigh, NC. The North Carolina counties that are covered by Central Carolina Skywarn are Chatham, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Nash, Orange, Person, Sampson, Vance, Wake, Warren, Wayne & Wilson Counties.

When SKYWARN is not active, this is a open talk repeater serving Central North Carolina.

Central Carolina SKYWARN Page:  http://www.centralcarolinaskywarn.net/

Repeater Book Data:  http://www.repeaterbook.com/repeaters/details.php?state_id=37&ID=175#sthash.nRDo2uoc.dpbs

Would you like to listen to past SKYWARN nets?  Please visit lgemini.org!  I have been recording skywarn nets for over 20 years, in 3 different locations!  (Detroit, MI - Pittsburgh, PA - Raleigh, NC).  

I also collect SKYWARN nets that I have recorded from broadcastify.com.   You can listen to my collection in mp3 format at lgemini.org