
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Carolina 440 System, K4JDR 441.725 MHz - Raleigh
Backbone Hub Repeater, Raleigh, NC. DMR-TGIF Talk Group 440. Central Carolina SKYWARN Back Up.
2 Listeners
Central Carolina Skywarn - WB4TQD 146.8800 MHz
This stream is currently on the 145.210 (K4ITL) where SKYWARN operations have moved to. The reason for the move is due to coverage issues on the 146.88. - Central Carolina Skywarn Information Net Tuesday's at 9:15pm EDT
3 Listeners
Central North Carolina Raleigh / Durham / Triangle Area Ham Radio Repeaters
Amateur Radio: NC 440 Carolina UHF Link System / KC4WDI Link System / K4ITL 145.21 Auburn Repeater / RARS 145.13 RTP Repeater / 442.675 NCSU Raleigh / 145.45 WR4AGC Durham
0 Listeners
Garner/Smithfield Area NOAA Weather Radio WNG7063 Listeners
Greater Benson Area CSX Railroad
Audio covering the CSX railroad in the greater Benson, NC area.
0 Listeners
Johnston Amateur Radio Society 147.27 Repeater2 Listeners
Johnston County Aviation
VHF AM Aviation Band for Local area KJNX Johnston County KHRJ Harnett County KRDU Raleigh Durham International Washington Center
1 Listeners
Johnston County Fire1 Listeners
Johnston County Fire/EMS
This station originates from the 50/210 fire district and broadcasts the Johnston County, NC Public Safety P25 system. Broadcasted channels only Include: Paging FireComm EMSComm OPS channels 50-210 FD Private
5 Listeners
Johnston County Public Safety - Digital
This is the county's P25 system, it includes: EOC JC Fire JC M/A LZ Central Mutual Aid SW Fire SO Dispatch Clayton PD SMITH PD DSP SELMA PD DSP BENSON PD DSP Co PD Disp FIRECOMM OPS1-25 PAGING EMSCOMM Fire/EMS Dispatch NC VIPER JoCo SHP
17 Listeners
Micro/Selma Area Railroads
Audio covering the CSX and NS railroad in the greater Micro/Selma, NC area.
0 Listeners
NOAA Weather Radio Central NC (WXL58)
Raleigh / Durham / Triangle (RTP) area NOAA Weather Radio feed of 162.55 MHz. Covers these counties in central North Carolina: Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Person, Randolph, Vance, Wake, Warren.
0 Listeners
NS and CSX - Clayton-Selma
Audio on Norfolk Southern's NC-Line and CSX's A-Line (South End Subdivision) from a radio located in Clayton, NC (MP 96.0NC).
0 Listeners