
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Guilford County and Greensboro Fire Dispatch2 Listeners
Guilford County EMS Dispatch5 Listeners
Guilford County Sheriff and Greensboro Police Dispatch36 Listeners
Guilford Metro Fire
Scanning Greensboro, Guilford Co., and PTI Airport Fire Dispatch. Also monitoring fireground TGs ALPHA 4 - Charlie 11 for Greensboro and Guilford Co. PTI Airport ARFF TGs, GCEMS OPS 1-3 and Command are also monitored.
5 Listeners
High Point Fire Department Dispatch2 Listeners
NS Railroad, Danville District, Greensboro, NC - Roads
Receiver @ MP294.5 CP Elm receiving channels NS Main Line, NS H Line (NCRR Line), NS CF Line, NS K Line
1 Listeners
NS Railroad, Danville District, Greensboro, NC - Yard
Receiver @ MP294.5 CP Elm receiving channels NS Maintenance of Way, NS Pomona Yard
0 Listeners
Thomasville Area NS Rail
Norfolk Southern Railway mainline radio monitor for High Point & Thomasville, NC & surrounding areas.
2 Listeners
Triad Area Weather NOAA Weather Radio WXL42Offline