Thomasville Area NS Rail
Feed Status:     Listeners: 1


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Norfolk Southern Railway mainline radio monitor for High Point & Thomasville, NC & surrounding areas.

Live railroad radio feed from receiver hosted in Thomasville, NC at the Historic Thomasville Depot and Visitor's Center trackside at the 306 milepost. Feed will be scanning Norfolk Southern frequencies for traffic along its mainline through Davidson and Guilford Counties.

Equipment for the feed includes a Narrowbanded Kenwood TK-790 and a tuned Tram 1487 antenna mounted 20' off the ground.

Part of the Carolina Rail Feed Association Feed Network.  Learn more at Our Website.

Frequencies Scanned

Norfolk Southern Danville District Road - 160.905 Mhz | AAR053
Norfolk Southern Danville District Ch 2 - 160.515 Mhz | AAR027
HPT&D / WSSB Railways - 161.250 Mhz | AAR076

Defect Detectors Heard

291.5 (Hilltop) *
301.9 (High Point)
316.2 (Lexington) *­

* Intermittent

Adjacent Feeds

North - Greensboro Radio Feed
South - Spencer Radio Feed