
Live Audio Feed Status
14.3000 MHz Amateur HF
You are listening to the Net's of 14.300MHZ from my station near Minneapolis, MN. When Activated...I will stream the Hurricane Watch Net
1 Listeners
Anoka County EMS Dispatch
ALS Dispatch North (Serves other north counties too)
0 Listeners
Anoka County Fire
Anoka County Fire Dispatch and Tac Channels
3 Listeners
Anoka County Police and Fire
Anoka County Police and Fire Dispatch
34 Listeners
Anoka County Radio Club Repeater0 Listeners
ARERT EchoLink Conference Node
Amateur Radio Emergency Response Teams
0 Listeners
Bloomington, Richfield, and Edina Public Safety
Dispatch audio for Bloomington, Richfield and Edina Fire.
6 Listeners
BNSF Midway Sub
BNSF Midway Sub area radio in the 160.900 to 161.450 range.
2 Listeners
BNSF Northtown Yard and Main Line 1 Listeners
Carver and Scott County Public Safety5 Listeners
Carver County Fire 3 Listeners
Jordan Fire8 Listeners
Minneapolis / Saint Paul Area NOAA Weather Radio KEC65
NOAA Weather Radio Station KEC65 162.55 Mhz
0 Listeners
Minneapolis Police
Precincts 1-5, Park, Events, and Overflow (with CallQueue)
17 Listeners
Minneapolis Police, St Paul Police, and Ramsey County Sheriff
Channels for MPD: 1-5 SPPD: 1-3 RCSO: 1-3 (with CallQueue)
41 Listeners
Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport2 Listeners
Minnesota State Patrol District 2400 (Chisago, Washington, Ramsey, Dakota Counties)8 Listeners
Minnesota State Patrol District 2500 (Isanti, Anoka, Hennepin, Carver, Scott Counties)8 Listeners
Ramsey County Fire2 Listeners
Ramsey County Sheriff
Ch 1-3; East, Central, West (with CallQueue)
5 Listeners
Ramsey County Sheriff and Fire1 Listeners
Saint Paul Fire12 Listeners
Saint Paul Police
Ch 1-3; West, Central, and East (with CallQueue)
15 Listeners
Saint Paul Police and Fire1 Listeners
Saint Paul Police, Fire, and Public Works Dispatch37 Listeners
Scott County Emergency Services
Fire, Fire Ground, & Truck-to-Truck channels in Carver & Scott Counties in Minnesota
6 Listeners
W0BU 147.21 MHz Repeater, Skywarn, South Metro Area0 Listeners
Washington County Public Safety
There is also a State and county 911 & fire feed included. Added March 17th St. Croix County, Hudson & North Hudson, WI
2 Listeners
Washington County Sheriff and Fire2 Listeners
Washington County, Maplewood and North Saint Paul Public Safety
Scanner is a Uniden 396T Ver 3.0 Scanning 1005 System - Washington County, East Ramsey County & Minnesota State Patrol on the following talk groups. Washington Co LE North (3618) Washington Co LE South (3620)
23 Listeners
WD0HWT 146.8500 MHz MARA Repeater0 Listeners
West Twin Cities Area Rail1 Listeners