Anoka County Police and Fire
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Anoka County Police and Fire Dispatch

Anoka County Police and Fire Dispatch

North Main Dispatch - Talkgroup 810

South Main Dispatch - Talkgroup 802

Fire main VHF Dispatch - Talkgroup 906

Streaming from a Gigabit connection with UPS backup on a dedicated Linux server

First Digit:

1 = Day Shift and permanent command officers (Chief, Captains, Lieutenants, etc.) 2 = Second Shift 3 = Third Shift 4 = Swing Shift/Special Detail 5 = Non Sworn Officers (CSO's, Reserves, Park Rangers, Explorers, etc.) 6 = Investigators, Detectives, Crime Lab 7 = SWAT, Entry Teams, Parade Details, Disasters, Off Duty Employment 8 = Off Duty radio use 9 = Transport and Court Security

Second Digit:

Callsign Agency Primary Dispatch TG
Adam Andover (Sheriff Cars) North
Bravo Anoka Police North
Charlie Bethel  
David Blaine Police South
Edward Burns Twsp.  
Frank Centerville  
George Centennial Lakes Police South
Heights Columbia Heights Police South
Ida Special Detail Units Varies
John Columbus Twsp. No PD
King Coon Rapids Police North
Lincoln East Bethel No PD
Mary Fridley Police South
Nora Ham Lake (Sheriff Cars) North
Ocean County Park Rangers Varies
Paul Hilltop No PD
Queen Lexington No PD
Robert Lino Lakes Police South
Sam Linwood Twsp. No PD
Tom Oak Grove No PD
Union Ramsey Police North
Victor St. Francis Police North
William Spring Lake Park Police South
X-Ray Anoka County Emergency Management METEM
Yellow Mounds View Fire Fire Main
Zebra Anoka Co Sheriff North (Patrol Units)