
Live Audio Feed Status
Clackamas County Fire and EMS
Official feed of Clackamas Fire Dist. #1 This feed is now on P25 digital. Feed includes Dispatch, OPS 24, 25, 26, 27,28, CLACK A, CLACK B, FIRE TRAINING 1 & 2. Also VHF backup Frequencies. Not all of these talk groups are active at the same time.
22 Listeners
Clackamas County Fire Channel OPS 22Offline
Clackamas County Fire Channel OPS 23Offline
Clackamas County Fire Channel OPS 240 Listeners
Clackamas County Fire Channel OPS 250 Listeners
Clackamas County Fire Channel OPS 260 Listeners
Clackamas County Fire Channel OPS 27Offline
Clackamas County Fire Channel OPS 280 Listeners
Clackamas County Fire Dispatch1 Listeners
Clackamas County Law 116 Listeners
Clackamas County Law 21 Listeners
Clark County Public Safety - CRESA Digital
CRESA 911 Trunking system: Clark County Fire, Clark County EMS, AMR, and Washington State Patrol.
16 Listeners
Cowlitz County Public Safety, Columbia County Law Dispatch74 Listeners
Lake Oswego Fire
LoCom Dispatch, Ops 22, Ops 23 and Clack A. This feed is programmed for the new digital P25 radio system.
2 Listeners
Lake Oswego Fire Dispatch1 Listeners
Oregon State Police and Oregon State Agencies
Feed currently consists of OSP and ODOT, but may change to include other city/state agencies during relevant incidents. If you find that you would prefer to hear only OSP or only ODOT during standard feed times, message me and I'll consider a consensus.
3 Listeners
Oregon Tualatin Amateur Radio Club Repeater W7OTV0 Listeners
Portland and Western Railroad in Hillsboro1 Listeners
Portland Area Fire and Rescue
Portland Area Fire Rescue Dispatch, OPS-1 thru OPS-9, AV (Airport) Fire
67 Listeners
Portland State University Police and Portland Police Service Desk
In lieu of PPB Central going encrypted, this feed now carries PPB Service Desk, with PSU Police taking priority in the event of simultaneous transmissions.
4 Listeners
Skamania County Fire and Rescue1 Listeners
St. Helens Police and Fire10 Listeners
W7PRA Peak Radio Association0 Listeners
Washington County Fire and EMS
West of Portland. Agencies include Banks, Cornelius, Forest Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro, TVF&R, and AMR. TVF&R serves Beaverton, Durham, King City, Midway, Newberg, North Plains, Rivergrove, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, West Linn, and Wilsonville.
45 Listeners
Washington County Fire Channel 20 Listeners
Washington County Fire Channel 30 Listeners
Washington County Fire Channel 40 Listeners
Washington County Fire Channel 50 Listeners
Washington County Fire Channel 6Offline
Washington County Fire Dispatch1 Listeners
Washington County Fire Dispatch
Washington County Fire TG 34250
2 Listeners
Washington County Sheriff Ch-2
Washington County Oregon Sheriff Channel 2
7 Listeners
Washington County Sheriff Dispatch
Washington County Oregon Sheriff Channel 1
Yamhill County Fire
Yamhill County Fire, Ops 1, Ops 2 MAC Fire and MAC Ops
5 Listeners
Yamhill County Sheriff
County wide with all communities except McMinnville, Dundee and Newberg.
6 Listeners