
Live Audio Feed Status
Austin Metro Area Amateur Repeaters
Most known operational amateur radio repeaters and simplex channels for Travis, Williamson, Hays, and Bastrop counties in Central Texas. Receiving station is 200' AGL in central Austin.
0 Listeners
Austin-Travis County Fire and EMS
Fire and EMS Dispatch for Austin/Travis County operating on GATRRS. Stereo broadcast with fire automated dispatch (Locution) on left channel and fire/EMS primary/tactical on right channel. Alpha tags with talk group and UID alias.
17 Listeners
Bastrop County Law Enforcement / Fire / EMS
BCSO/PD/FD/EMS for County Areas and the cities of Bastrop, Elgin and Smithville
15 Listeners
Caldwell County Fire and EMS1 Listeners
Caldwell County Fire Response
Primary response for all fire / EMS in the county. CC ES C, CC ES N, CC ES S
1 Listeners
Caldwell County Fire Tactical
Fire ground and tactical operations for all fire/EMS in Caldwell County. CC FIRECOM 1-4, CC TAC 1-4
0 Listeners
Caldwell County Sheriff, Lockhart and Luling Police 21 Listeners
Hays County Fire and EMS - North7 Listeners
KA5D University-Link Repeater System
Repeater system at the University of Texas at Austin. Connections: AllStar hub #40933 and connected nodes, Echolink KA5D-R #190032, YSFReflector "US Uni-Link" #55817.
0 Listeners
Lockhart Fire and EMS0 Listeners
Luling Fire and EMS1 Listeners
N5OAK 147.3200 MHz Oak Hill ARC0 Listeners
Travis County Law Enforcement76 Listeners
Williamson County (TX) Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
Williamson County Texas ARES 147.080 WC5EOC repeater. Primary frequency for Williamson County ARES. We hold a net on the repeater every Sunday at 8:00 PM. Nets are also started during bad weather and during emergencies.
0 Listeners