
Live Audio Feed Status
Bruce Township Fire0 Listeners
Chesterfield Township Fire0 Listeners
Dearborn Police and Fire4 Listeners
Detroit Area Maritime
Channels 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 21,22.
4 Listeners
Detroit EMS Dispatch
Detroit EMS Dispatch FDEDSP1
5 Listeners
Detroit Fire
Detroit Fire Department Fire Dispatch & Fireground Channels
24 Listeners
Detroit Police and Fire15 Listeners
Detroit Police Dispatch
DPD Dispatch talkgroups... 8040 Cent Dispatch Precincts 1 & 13; 8043 SW Dispatch Precincts 2 & 3; 8046 NE Dispatch Precincts 7 & 11; 8049 NW Dispatch Precincts 6 & 8; 8055 Western Dispatch Precincts 10 & 12; 8058 - Eastern Dispatch Precincts 5 & 9
53 Listeners
Detroit Railroads - CN, CSX, Amtrak2 Listeners
Detroit Railroads - NS, Conrail, CP4 Listeners
Downriver Public Safety69 Listeners
Franklin-Bingham Fire Dispatch1 Listeners
GMARC 70cm Repeater0 Listeners
Groose lle Township Fire1 Listeners
Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods Police and Fire 10 Listeners
Groveland Fire and Holly Village Fire Dispatch
Groveland Fire - Holly Village Fire 153.8000
K8FBI 442.6000 / 442.0750 MHz Repeaters and AllStar HUB
Flying Beers International ARC AllStar HUB serving the greater Detroit Michigan area. Repeaters on 442.600 in Warren, MI and 442.075 in Romeo, MI and a small network of AllStar connected nodes. AllStar node #43732 Echolink K8FBI-R
0 Listeners
KC8UMP 443.6250 MHz Mt. Clemens Repeater
443.62500+ 151.4PL KC8UMP Mt. Clemens -
0 Listeners
Macomb County Police, Fire, and EMS
Macomb County Simulcast
29 Listeners
Macomb County Public Safety/MSP District 23 Listeners
Macomb Fire0 Listeners
New Baltimore Fire1 Listeners
Northville Police and Fire / Plymouth City FireOffline
Oakland County Fire/EMS Dispatch Only - All County (P25)
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (North) and MABAS 3202 (South/Oakway) Fire/EMS Dispatch Talk Groups. DISPATCH ONLY (Only transmitting communications longer than 8 seconds).
1 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (North) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Addison;Auburn Hills;Berk.PS;Bev.Hills;Bloom.Hills; Brandon;Clawson;Commerce;Farm.City;Franklin;Groveland; Hazel Park;Highland;Hunt.Woods;Holly;Lyon;S. Lyon;Milford;NOFA;Novi; Oakland;Oak Park;Orion;Oxford;Roch.City;Springfield;Troy;White Lake;Walled Lake
3 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Northeast) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Brandon Township (63BRTFD1/2/3); Oxford (63OXFD1/2/3); Addison Township (63ATFD1/2/3); Orion Township (63ORTFD1/2); Oakland Township (63OTFD1/2/3)
2 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Northwest) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Groveland Township (63GTFD1/2/3); North Oakland Fire Authority (63NOFA1/2/3); Springfield Township (63SPFD1/2/3); Holly, Village of (63HOFD1/2)
1 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Southeast) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Auburn Hills(63AHFD1/2/3); Berkley(63BEF1);Bloomfield Hills(63BHFIRE1);Bev.Hills(63BEFD1/2);Clawson(63CLFD3);City of Farmington(63FCFD);Franklin/Bingham(63FBFD1/2); Hazel Park(63HPFD1/2);Oak Park(63OPFD);Rochester City(63RCFD1/2);Troy(63TRFDISP; 63TRFG1/
3 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Southwest) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Highland Twp (63HIFD1/2/3/4); White Lake Twp (63WLTFD1/2); Milford Twp (63MIFD1/2/3); Commerce Twp (63CTFD1/2); Walled Lake (63WLFD); Wixom (63WXFD1/2); Lyon Twp (63LTFD1/2/3); South Lyon (63SLFD1/2/3); Novi (63NVFD1/2/3/4/5)
2 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3202 (South/Oakway) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Birmingham (63BIFD); Bloomfield Twp (63BTFD); Ferndale (63FEFD); Farmington Hills (63FHFD); Independence Twp (63ITFD); Madison Heights (63MHFD); Rochester Hills (63RHFD); Royal Oak (63ROFD); Southfield (63SOFD); Waterford Reg (63WTFD); West Bloomfield (63
6 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS Fire-Tac Scene Interop (P25)
Oakland County MABAS Fire-Tac Talk Groups: 63MABAS1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16; 63PSFIRE1; 63COM; 63CST
0 Listeners
Oakland County International Airport (KPTK) Tower0 Listeners
Plymouth-Northville Area Public Safety2 Listeners
Richmond Lenox EMS1 Listeners
Royal Oak Fire
Royal Oak Fire Dispatch 63ROFD1
0 Listeners
Shelby Township / Utica Public Safety0 Listeners
South Lyon Fire Department Dispatch
Fire and EMS Dispatch for South Lyon and Lyon Township --- Feed Provided By JMF
0 Listeners
Southwestern Wayne County Police/Fire
This feed covers Van Buren Township Police/Fire, Belleville Police/Fire, Sumpter Township Police/Fire and Huron Township Police/Fire.
2 Listeners
Troy Fire Department
Troy Fire Dispatch/Tac/Talk Talk Groups: 63TRFDISP; 63TRFG1//2/3/4/5/6; Clawson 63CLFD3
2 Listeners
W8FSM 224.6200 MHz Holly Repeater0 Listeners
W8FSM 442.3500 MHz Repeater
MICON-DTX NWS Hub Repeater.
0 Listeners
Warren Police and Fire, Center Line Public Safety33 Listeners
Wayne County Public Safety40 Listeners
Westland-Garden City Police and Fire6 Listeners