Southwestern Wayne County Police/Fire
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This feed covers Van Buren Township Police/Fire, Belleville Police/Fire, Sumpter Township Police/Fire and Huron Township Police/Fire.
82BFD1 Belleville Fire Dispatch
82PGBFD Belleville Fire Paging
82VBPD1 Van Buren Twp Police Dispatch (Belleville Police use as well)
82VBFD1 Van Buren Twp Fire Dispatch
82PGVBFD Van Buren Twp Fire Station Paging
82PGVBFA Van Buren Twp Fire All Call Paging
82STFD1 Sumpter Twp Fire Dispatch
82PGSTFD Sumpter Twp Fire Paging
82HTFD1 Huron Twp Fire Dispatch
82HTPD1 Huron Twp Police Dispatch (Sumpter Twp Police use as well)