Madison County Fire
Feed Status:     Listeners: 1


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This feed includes: Madison County Fire/Rescue Dispatch Ops 1 Ops 2 Ops 3 Ops 4 Ops 5 Ops 6 Ops 7 Ops 8 Countywide (currently not used) Individual department's private channels are not broadcast for privacy reasons.

Madison County has just restructured the radio channel structure for the county fire departments. All county fire and rescue calls will be transmitted on the Dispatch channel, and an Operations channel will be assigned to reduce unnecessary traffic on the dispatch frequency. The Ops channels replaced the previous Fireground channels, and added several additional channels to the radio for use on incidents. The individual department channels (White Hall Main, Kirksville Main, Red Lick Main, Waco Main, and Union City Main) have all been removed from service. The Private channels of each department are still functioning but are not broadcast to protect the privacy of the individuals on each department. 

Madison County Fire/Rescue Dispatch
Ops 1
Ops 2
Ops 3
Ops 4
Ops 5
Ops 6
Ops 7
Ops 8
Countywide (currently not used)