
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach and Holly Hill Police
Florida: Dispatch channels for Volusia County municipalities of Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, and Holly Hill.
36 Listeners
NI4CE Repeater System
known as “Big Stick”, NI4CE is West Central Florida’s regional VHF/UHF Amateur Radio communications connection. NI4CE covers West Central & Southwest Florida and provides seamless coverage along the I-75 and I-4 corridors. All sites are linked.
0 Listeners
SARNET - Florida's State Wide Connected Repeater System
The Statewide Amateur Radio Network (SARNet) is a network of linked UHF repeaters that is run by the State EOC. Covers Most of the State of Florida
4 Listeners
Volusia County Fire and EMS
Feed located in Ormond Beach, FL. Currently monitoring talk groups covering Fire/EMS dispatch and all fire tac channels. EMS is being dispatched on fire dispatch channels with specific details being sent via Mobile Data Terminals.
27 Listeners
Volusia County LE-7 New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater and Volusia Sheriff's Office6 Listeners