Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
New Castle County Fire Talkgroups being provided: N-Disp N-Tac3 N-Tac4 N-Tac5 | Offline |
New Castle County SKYWARN This stream will be offline unless severe weather is moving through the area. You may hear radio traffic that is not related to SKYWARN since these frequencies also act as normal repeaters. | Offline |
SEPTA Regional Rail - North, South, City, MoW and Yard North, South, City, MoW and Yard. Covering counties BUCKS(PA) - MONTGOMERY(PA) - PHILADELPHIA(PA) - NEW CASTLE COUNTY(DE) | 1 Listeners |
Wilmington Fire | 9 Listeners |