
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Arvada Fire and EMS
Stereo Feed: LEFT = Arvada Fire/EMS Main Dispatch channel --- RIGHT = Arvada Fire/EMS TAC group 3 for major incidents.
27 Listeners
Elk Creek FPD
Radio Feed for Elk Creek Fire
1 Listeners
Mountain Area Sheriff and Fire Departments
(((STEREO FEED))) Evergreen Fire - Elk Creek Fire - Indian Hills FD - Genesee FD- Intercanyon FD - Foothills Fire - State Patrol District 1a
4 Listeners
North Central Colorado Counties Search and Rescue0 Listeners
West Metro Fire Rescue
Lakewood Fire Dispatch, Includes West Metro Fire, Pleasant View, Wheat Ridge, no tags.
28 Listeners