
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Town of Little Elm (TX) Police, Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for the town of Little Elm, TX.
1 Listeners
Denton County (TX) Sheriff, Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for Denton County, Texas.
2 Listeners
Town of Trophy Club (TX) Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for the town of Trophy Club, TX.
0 Listeners
City of Corinth (TX) Police
Calls ingested for the city of Corinth, TX.
0 Listeners
Town of Hickory Creek (TX) Police
Calls ingested for the town of Hickory Creek, TX.
0 Listeners
Town of Flower Mound (TX) Police, Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for the town of Flower Mound, TX.
1 Listeners
City of Highland Village (TX) Police, Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for the city of Highland Village, TX.
1 Listeners
City of Lewisville (Lewisville, TX) Police, Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for the city of Lewisville, TX.
0 Listeners
City of Roanoke (TX) Police, Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for city of Roanoke, TX.
1 Listeners
City of Denton (TX) Police, Fire & EMS
Calls ingested for the city of Denton, TX.
0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Denton County Fire Departments
Includes all Fire Departments in Denton County except City of Denton and The Colony. See the feed notes for full details...
6 Listeners
Flower Mound Fire Department Dispatch1 Listeners
Flower Mound Fire Department Fireground
Radio is a Uniden BCD325P2 feeding audio into a Pi4. The FM Police is on its own feed
0 Listeners
K5LRK 147.3800 MHz Lake Area Amateur Radio Klub0 Listeners
Lewisville Fire Department
Broadcasting Lewisville Fire Department on a RaspberryPi 3 with NESDR Radio using OP25 software. LFD is also included on my Denton County Fire Departments feed however this is a stand-alone broadcast for just Lewisville.
3 Listeners
Roanoke Police Patrol 10 Listeners
The Colony Police, Fire and EMS
The Colony Police, Fire and EMS - The Colony, TX Win10/RTL-SDR - Plano, Allen, Wylie, and Murphy (PAWM) P25 Phase II system Broadcasting Police, Fire and EMS Radio Traffic from The Colony Location: The Colony, TX
4 Listeners
USCG Amateur Radio Voice and CW Nets
The USCG Amateur Radio net is broadcast via amateur radio on 14.327 mHz on Saturdays from 1100 EDT to 1200 EDT then on 14.300 mHz from 1200 EDT to 1300 EDT. It is a recreational net for veterans of the US Coast Guard and US Coast Guard Auxiliary. We are c
W5FKN 145.1700 MHz Denton County ARA Repeater
Denton County Amateur Radio Association 145.17 repeater stream. Primary Lewisville Amateur Radio Association (LARA) hangout. Backup ARES and SKYWARN repeater. Hi-Fi.
0 Listeners
W5NGU 146.9200 MHz Denton County ARA
Denton County Amateur Radio Association primary repeater. ARES and SKYWARN stream. Hi-Fi
1 Listeners
W5NGU 444.0500 MHz Denton County ARA Repeater
Denton County Amateur Radio Association analog UHF repeater stream. Drive time & late night buffoonery. Hi-Fi.
4 Listeners