
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Calls Playlist Listeners
Arapahoe County (CO) Public Safety 0 Listeners
Live Audio Feed Status
Douglas County Fire Department 800Mhz8 Listeners
Aurora Fire
Covering Dispatch & Tac. Aurora Fire Rescue is an ISO Class 1 and internationally accredited agency covering 163 square miles of the City of Aurora, the 2nd largest city by area and 3rd largest city by population in Colorado.
11 Listeners
Centennial Airport Emergency Operations
South Metro Fire Rescue ARFF response channel. When there are no emergencies occurring, routine radio traffic with Airport Operations, Maintenance and Snow Removal personnel is common.
2 Listeners
Denver Health EMS
Denver Health EMS - Ambulance Operations, ETAC 1 - 8
9 Listeners
North Central Colorado Counties Search and Rescue1 Listeners
Parker Radio Association Allstar node 4104600 Listeners
Sable, Bennett, Strasburg, Byers and Deer Trail Fire Agencies
East Metro Fire Districts include Bennett Fire Protection District, Byers Fire Protection District, Deer Trail Rural Fire Protection District, Sable Altura Fire Rescue, and Strasburg Fire Protection District serving Arapahoe and Adams Counties.
2 Listeners
South Metro Fire Rescue
ISO Class 1, Accredited FD protecting 300 square miles of Arapahoe, Douglas & Jefferson Counties including Bow Mar, Castle Pines, Cherry Hills Village, Columbine Valley, Greenwood Village, Highlands Ranch, Foxfield, Littleton, Lone Tree & Parker
73 Listeners