Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Calls Playlist | Listeners |
Anderson Co (TN) Law Enforcement Anderson Co Sheriff, Norris PD, Oliver Springs PD, Rocky Top PD. Oak Ridge PD is 100% encrypted, not in this playlist. Clinton PD is still using UHF conventional, expected to move to TACN 'soon'. |
0 Listeners |
Anderson Co (TN) Fire & EMS Including Oliver Springs, Norris, and Rocky Top. Oak Ridge FD is 100% encrypted, not in this playlist. Clinton FD is still using UHF conventional, expected to move to TACN 'soon' |
0 Listeners |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Anderson County Public Safety **STEREO FEED** (LEFT Side) is Sheriff's digital repeater (RIGHT side) Clinton PD, Clinton Fire | 13 Listeners |
Knoxville Area NOAA Weather Radio WXK46 | 3 Listeners |
WNG732/WXK46 NOAA Weather Radio | 2 Listeners |