Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Adams County Fire and EMS Adams County Fire and EMS dispatch talkgroups from the Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC) trunked radio system, including Adams County Fire, South Adams Fire, Brighton Fire, Federal Heights Fire, North Metro Fire, Thornton and Westminster Fire. | 6 Listeners |
Adams County Law Enforcement Adams County metro-Denver Law Enforcement Talkgroups from the Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC) trunked radio system, including Brighton PD, Federal Heights PD and Northglenn PD. | 24 Listeners |
Aurora Fire Covering Dispatch & Tac. Aurora Fire Rescue is an ISO Class 1 and internationally accredited agency covering 163 square miles of the City of Aurora, the 2nd largest city by area and 3rd largest city by population in Colorado. | 11 Listeners |
Denver Health EMS Denver Health EMS - Ambulance Operations, ETAC 1 - 8 | 9 Listeners |
North Central Colorado Counties Search and Rescue | 1 Listeners |