Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Charlotte Area NOAA Weather Radio WXL70 | 2 Listeners |
Cleveland County Fire, EMS, State and local police departments | 55 Listeners |
Cleveland County, Shelby, and Kings Mountain Fire Scanning cleveland county fire dispatch which includes kings mountain. Also scanning shelby city fire dispatch. Also included are op channels. | 0 Listeners |
CSX Bostic Yard Scanning CSX frequencies for operations in their Bostic Yard. | 0 Listeners |
W4BFB 145.2300 MHz Repeater Gaston Regional Skywarn net during severe weather | 0 Listeners |
Western North Carolina CSX Rail - Lynn Gap Scanning CSX frequencies for the Clinchfield mainline, Charlotte Sub, and Spartanburg Sub through western North and South Carolina. | 1 Listeners |
Western North Carolina NS Rail - Lynn Gap Scanning Norfolk Southern frequencies for the AS-Line and former Southern Main Line through western North and South Carolina. | 1 Listeners |