
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Centerville and Cedar Grove Fire District0 Listeners
Highland Fire and Highland/Lloyd Area Police and Fire/EMS
The idea of adding the low band as well is also on the table, in a stereo configuration.
4 Listeners
Hurricane Watch Net - 14.3250 MHz and 7.2680 MHzOffline
Kingston Fire Department
Feed is dispatch and 800mhz radio traffic only.
2 Listeners
Kingston Professional Firefighters1 Listeners
Modena Fire Rescue1 Listeners
N2ACF Repeater System
Covering most of eastern New York State from Long Island up to Lake George, as well as portions of northern New Jersey and northeast Pennsylvania.
0 Listeners
New York State Thruway Authority - Albany Division
NYSTA Zone-2 I-90 Exit 19 (Kingston) to Exit 29 (Canajoharie), Berkshire Connector (I-90)
1 Listeners
New York State Thruway Authority - New York Division
NYSTA Zone-1 I-87 Exit 1 (Yonkers) to 18 (New Paltz), Cross Westchester Expy, Garden State Pkwy Connector, NE Thruway
3 Listeners
Ulster 911 and Fire0 Listeners
Ulster County Fire and Esopus Fire4 Listeners
Ulster County Public Safety1 Listeners
Ulster County Public Safety - New Paltz Area3 Listeners
Ulster Hose Company 5 Fire Ground
Monitoring 3 channels that consists of 2 repeater channels and 1 non repeater channel that is used for fire ground operations for the Town of Ulster.
1 Listeners