Highland Fire and Highland/Lloyd Area Police and Fir...
Feed Status:     Listeners: 4


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The idea of adding the low band as well is also on the table, in a stereo configuration.


Receiver is scanning the following:

Highland FD (Frequency removed from view at agencies' request, but still scanning)

Ulster FD/EMS Dispatch 155.2200 (Set for Priority 1 in scanlist)

Ulster Sheriff Dispatch 155.9325 

Ulster County PD Dispatch 155.0250 

Ulster County EMS Response 155.1750 

NYSP Troop F Base - Car 155.5350 and Car-Base 154.9350 (PLs in use to hear from NYSP units only)

Additional may be added depending on coverage and viability of signal at receiver


Receiver: Motorola CDM1250 on a Discone chimney mount with a +15dbm receive amplifier