
Live Audio Feed Status
Concord Fire Alarm - Capital Area
Capital Area Mutual Aid / NH DNCR
11 Listeners
Concord Police Dispatch
Feed managed and provided by Tony from Concord NH Patch.
8 Listeners
Hooksett Fire1 Listeners
Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association
Official feed from the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Communications Center in Laconia, NH
31 Listeners
Lakes Region Police and Fire
Lakes Region Primary Capital Fire Primary OVMA Primary Strafford County Fire North Strafford County Police North Belknap County Police Carroll County Police N/S NHSP Troop A
3 Listeners
Merrimack County Public Safety5 Listeners
New Hampshire State Police
NH State Police Statewide
5 Listeners
Northern New England Fire and EMS
Strafford County Dover Dover Fire: 154.295 MHz Durham Durham Fd: 152.0075 MHz Durham Fire: 154.415 MHz Rochester Rochester Fd/Ems: 154.98 MHz Rollinsford RollinsfordFD: 155.0625 MHz Somersworth Somersworth FD: 154.385 MHz County Fi
2 Listeners
Southern New Hampshire Counties Fire
Covers Fire for the Counties of: Cheshire, Hillsborough, Rockingham, Merrimack and Belknap
10 Listeners
Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid
Dispatching Fire and EMS in southwestern NH and southeastern Vt. Call sign: KCF-415. Frequency: 154.430
9 Listeners