Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Coos and Grafton Counties Police and Fire | 6 Listeners |
Lakes Region Amateur Radio Repeaters | 0 Listeners |
Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association Official feed from the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Communications Center in Laconia, NH | 29 Listeners |
Lakes Region Police and Fire Lakes Region Primary Capital Fire Primary OVMA Primary Strafford County Fire North Strafford County Police North Belknap County Police Carroll County Police N/S NHSP Troop A | 3 Listeners |
Lebanon Fire Dispatch Lebanon New Hampshire Fire/EMS Dispatch | 1 Listeners |
Lebanon Police 155.250Mhz P25 NAC : 517 It can be 40 to 60 sec delays after transmit. | 0 Listeners |
New Hampshire State Police NH State Police Statewide | 6 Listeners |
Northern New Hampshire Law Net Broadcasting frequencies in Northern New Hampshire and Vermont. | 17 Listeners |
Plymouth and NHSP Troop F Plymouth, Meredith, Bristol, Belknap CO, Grafton CO, Carroll CO as well as Troop-F Troop-E & Troop-D I am still tweaking this feed. Please let me know of any thoughts or suggestions especially as to what feeds should be broadcasted. | 1 Listeners |
Southwestern NH District Fire Mutual Aid Dispatching Fire and EMS in southwestern NH and southeastern Vt. Call sign: KCF-415. Frequency: 154.430 | 14 Listeners |
Twin State Fire Mutual Aid | 2 Listeners |
Upper Valley Area Police and Fire (((Stereo Feed) Left Side = VHF Hanover. P25 Lebanon Fire & Police *** Right Side = UHF Windsor PD. P25 Norwich, Hartford PD. | 19 Listeners |