
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Gaylord Area NOAA Weather Radio WWF701 Listeners
Gaylord Michigan Regional Airport Unicom (KGLR)
Also includes Minneapolis center, Pellston, and Traverse City inbound traffic. Receiver location and antenna at a higher elevation have increased the amount of traffic heard!
0 Listeners
Great Lakes Energy Dispatch - Boyne City and Waters1 Listeners
Michigan Statewide Aeronautical Medical 0 Listeners
Northern Lower Peninsula DNR Fire0 Listeners
Otsego County Fire Dispatch - Analog3 Listeners
Otsego County Fire, and EMS - Digital
800mhz EMS, and all Otsego County fire departments are on the 800 system. The DNR has completely moved to its own feed.
9 Listeners
Otsego County Sheriff, Gaylord Police, MSP District 7
800 Mhz Otsego County Sheriff, Gaylord City PD, MSP 7th District, DNR Law.
25 Listeners
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW1 DMR Repeater System
Mi5-STATEW1 Talkgroup on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower
0 Listeners
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW2 EVENT 2/4 DMR Repeater System
Mi5-STATEW2, Mi5-EVENT2 and Mi5-EVENT4 Talkgroups on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower -
0 Listeners