
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Franklin-Bingham Fire Dispatch1 Listeners
Groveland Fire and Holly Village Fire Dispatch
Groveland Fire - Holly Village Fire 153.8000
Michigan Statewide Aeronautical Medical 0 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS Dispatch Only - All County (P25)
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (North) and MABAS 3202 (South/Oakway) Fire/EMS Dispatch Talk Groups. DISPATCH ONLY (Only transmitting communications longer than 8 seconds).
2 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (North) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Addison;Auburn Hills;Berk.PS;Bev.Hills;Bloom.Hills; Brandon;Clawson;Commerce;Farm.City;Franklin;Groveland; Hazel Park;Highland;Hunt.Woods;Holly;Lyon;S. Lyon;Milford;NOFA;Novi; Oakland;Oak Park;Orion;Oxford;Roch.City;Springfield;Troy;White Lake;Walled Lake
8 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Northeast) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Brandon Township (63BRTFD1/2/3); Oxford (63OXFD1/2/3); Addison Township (63ATFD1/2/3); Orion Township (63ORTFD1/2); Oakland Township (63OTFD1/2/3)
3 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Northwest) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Groveland Township (63GTFD1/2/3); North Oakland Fire Authority (63NOFA1/2/3); Springfield Township (63SPFD1/2/3); Holly, Village of (63HOFD1/2)
1 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Southeast) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Auburn Hills(63AHFD1/2/3); Berkley(63BEF1);Bloomfield Hills(63BHFIRE1);Bev.Hills(63BEFD1/2);Clawson(63CLFD3);City of Farmington(63FCFD);Franklin/Bingham(63FBFD1/2); Hazel Park(63HPFD1/2);Oak Park(63OPFD);Rochester City(63RCFD1/2);Troy(63TRFDISP; 63TRFG1/
2 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (Southwest) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Highland Twp (63HIFD1/2/3/4); White Lake Twp (63WLTFD1/2); Milford Twp (63MIFD1/2/3); Commerce Twp (63CTFD1/2); Walled Lake (63WLFD); Wixom (63WXFD1/2); Lyon Twp (63LTFD1/2/3); South Lyon (63SLFD1/2/3); Novi (63NVFD1/2/3/4/5)
2 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3202 (South/Oakway) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25)
Birmingham (63BIFD); Bloomfield Twp (63BTFD); Ferndale (63FEFD); Farmington Hills (63FHFD); Independence Twp (63ITFD); Madison Heights (63MHFD); Rochester Hills (63RHFD); Royal Oak (63ROFD); Southfield (63SOFD); Waterford Reg (63WTFD); West Bloomfield (63
6 Listeners
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS Fire-Tac Scene Interop (P25)
Oakland County MABAS Fire-Tac Talk Groups: 63MABAS1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16; 63PSFIRE1; 63COM; 63CST
0 Listeners
Oakland County International Airport (KPTK) Tower0 Listeners
Royal Oak Fire
Royal Oak Fire Dispatch 63ROFD1
0 Listeners
South Lyon Fire Department Dispatch
Fire and EMS Dispatch for South Lyon and Lyon Township --- Feed Provided By JMF
0 Listeners
Troy Fire Department
Troy Fire Dispatch/Tac/Talk Talk Groups: 63TRFDISP; 63TRFG1//2/3/4/5/6; Clawson 63CLFD3
2 Listeners
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW1 DMR Repeater System
Mi5-STATEW1 Talkgroup on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower
0 Listeners
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW2 EVENT 2/4 DMR Repeater System
Mi5-STATEW2, Mi5-EVENT2 and Mi5-EVENT4 Talkgroups on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower -
0 Listeners
W8FSM 224.6200 MHz Holly Repeater0 Listeners
W8FSM 442.3500 MHz Repeater
MICON-DTX NWS Hub Repeater.
0 Listeners