
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Lapeer County and Surrounding Townships Fire/EMS Dispatch
"STEREO FEED" This Feed Is located in the City of Lapeer and It covers Lapeer County and All of the Surrounding Townships in Macomb, Sanilac, Genesee, Tuscola, and St. Clair County's Fire, EMS, and Emergency Management Freq's and Talkgroups
2 Listeners
Lapeer County Area Amateur Radio
Amateur Radio Frequencies from the KG8ID and W8LAP Repeaters Lapeer Co. Fire 151.130 MHZ
0 Listeners
Lapeer County Fire Dispatch - Analog2 Listeners
Michigan Statewide Aeronautical Medical 0 Listeners
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW1 DMR Repeater System
Mi5-STATEW1 Talkgroup on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower
0 Listeners
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW2 EVENT 2/4 DMR Repeater System
Mi5-STATEW2, Mi5-EVENT2 and Mi5-EVENT4 Talkgroups on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower -
0 Listeners
W8FSM 442.3500 MHz Repeater
MICON-DTX NWS Hub Repeater.
0 Listeners