Lapeer County and Surrounding Townships Fire/EMS Dis...
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This Feed Is located in the City of Lapeer and It covers Lapeer County and All of the Surrounding Townships in Macomb, Sanilac, Genesee, Tuscola, and St. Clair County's Fire, EMS, and Emergency Management Freq's and Talkgroups
This audio feed is not provided by or affiliated with any of the municipalities covered on this feed
Stereo feed
Left Side Digital System Talkgroups
Lapeer County (44)
- 2605 Countywide Common (Mutual Aid all agencies)
- 12084 Lapeer County Emergency Management - Clear
- 12867 Road Commission 1
- 12868 Road Commission 2
- 12869 Road Commission 3
Genesee County (25)
- 2646 Emergency Management Homeland Security Office
- 22715 Countywide All Call: Paging
- 2399 Countywide - Emergency All Call
- 22743 Atlas: Paging
- 22751 Davison-Richfield 1: Paging
- 22752 Davison-Richfield 2: Paging
- 22766 Forest Twp: Paging
Tuscola County (79)
- 12477 Mayville Page(EMS)
- 12474 Watertown/Fostoria Fire Page
- 12469 Mayville Fire Page
- 12468 Kingston Fire Page
- 12054 Emergency Management
- 22717 County All Call / WX Alerts
St. Clair County (74)
- 22510 Berlin Twp FD General Alarm Page
- 22523 Mussey Twp FD General Alarm Page
Macomb County (50) Northern Public Safety Talkgroups
- 2385 Bruce Twp. and Romeo Village: Fire Dispatch
- 12520 Bruce Twp. and Romeo Village: Fireground
Right Side Analog
Lapeer County (44) Analog Fire Frequencies
- 151.1300 Lapeer County Fire/EMS Pagers
Oakland County (63) Analog Fire Frequencies
- 155.26500 Emergency Management - E.A.S. Alerting / Tornado Sirens
Sanilac County (76) Analog Fire Frequencies
- 151.0100 Sanilac Fire: Dispatch
Macomb County (50) Analog Fire Frequencies
- 154.35500 Macomb Fire 2 Fireground 2 / Severe Weather Spotters
- 155.10000 Macomb EMA Emergency Management
NOTE That Oakland County (63) Analog Fire Dispatch have been removed from this feed.
To hear Oaklaond County Fire Departments that borader Lapeer County
Oakland County Fire/EMS MABAS 3201 (“Northeast” Quadrant) - Dispatch/Tac/Talk (P25) []
This feed will receive non-encrypted Fire/EMS digital communications from the Project 25 Phase II Michigan Public Communications System (MPSCS) for the "Northeast" Quadrant of Oakland County. It will include all Dispatch/Tac/Talk groups for the following: Brandon Twp (63BRTFD1/2/3); Oxford Twp (63OXFD1/2/3); Addison Twp (63ATFD1/2/3); Orion Twp (63ORTFD1/2); Oakland Twp (63OTFD1/2/3)
Sanilac County Fire may not come in clear at times