Calls Coverage |
There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services: |
Live Audio Feed | Status |
Kalamazoo Area Weather Radio Streamed with a Sangean CL-100 Weather Radio. WWF34 Plainwell, MI 162.475 MHz. Served by NWS GRR and NWS IWX. Counties served: Allegan, Barry, Branch, Cass, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph and Van Buren. | 0 Listeners |
Kalamazoo City, Township and County Fire Dispatch Currently broadcasting City of Kalamazoo Fire, Kalamazoo County fire dispatch. Monitoring the MPSCS System; Talkgroups 3437, 3480 & 3481 | 6 Listeners |
Kalamazoo County Fire and MSP District 5 This feed has dual audio. Adjust your balance left for fire only, and right for law enforcement only. | 26 Listeners |
Michigan Statewide Aeronautical Medical | 1 Listeners |
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW1 DMR Repeater System Mi5-STATEW1 Talkgroup on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower | 2 Listeners |
W8CMN Mi5-STATEW2 EVENT 2/4 DMR Repeater System Mi5-STATEW2, Mi5-EVENT2 and Mi5-EVENT4 Talkgroups on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower - | 0 Listeners |