
Calls Coverage

There is coverage available for this county on Broadcastify calls for the following services:

Live Audio Feed Status
Franklin County Fire and EMS
This feed broadcasts Talkgroup 3697 and 3701-3707 from COMIRS. These include the main dispatch channel and Ops Channels 3-6 for Franklin County from the dispatch center (Shelburne Control) in Shelburne Falls, MA
4 Listeners
Franklin County Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch
Police & Fire/EMS dispatch for most of Franklin County including Turners Falls FD & Montague PD. Includes FC Ops 3-7 when in use for incidents.
35 Listeners
Greenfield Fire
Greenfield, MA Fire Talkgroup 2577 Greenfield Fire Operations Talkgroup 3707 Franklin County Ops Channel 6 Feed is from a Raspberry Pi running OP25 software.
2 Listeners
Greenfield Police & Fire Dispatch
Dispatch for the Greenfield, MA police & fire departments provided by monitoring talkgroups 2577 and 2579 on the CoMIRS P25 trunked radio system.
7 Listeners
Hartford Area NOAA Weather Radio WXJ41
NOAA Weather Radio For the Greater Hartford / Tolland Counties Broadcast from Soapstone MT. in Somers, CT
2 Listeners
MA State Police - Metro Boston Area
Scanning Dispatch Talkgroups for Troops A and H, and Statewide. Geographically covering from the 495 belt area, into the heart of Boston. No local PD or Fire. May hold on a channel for an event.
27 Listeners
Massachusetts State Police Dispatch - Troop B
Massachusetts State Police Troop B patrol dispatch. Troop B covers the western Massachusetts area including Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden, and Berkshire counties.
27 Listeners
Orange Fire Dispatch
Orange Fire Dept dispatch and operations on the New Salem Tower channel. Operating Frequency of 453.2875. For long term incidents operations go to a tac channel, not monitored by an online feed.
1 Listeners
TAC9 Public Safety Notification System
The TAC9 Radio System is a public safety notification network operating in the New England and New York area, with nationwide expansion in future plans. The system is a closed Zello channel and is not always carrying traffic.
6 Listeners