
Live Audio Feed Status
Country Fire Authority Dispatch - District 08
This digital talkgroup is used for brigades in the Victorian Country Fire Authority's District 8 to respond to incidents which are dispatched by Triple Zero Victoria using their State Emergency Communications Centres.
70 Listeners
Country Fire Authority Dispatch - District 13
This digital talkgroup is used for brigades in the Victorian Country Fire Authority's District 13 to respond to incidents which are dispatched by Triple Zero Victoria using their State Emergency Communications Centres.
42 Listeners
Country Fire Authority Dispatch - District 14
This digital talkgroup is used for brigades in the Victorian Country Fire Authority's District 14 to respond to incidents which are dispatched by Triple Zero Victoria using their State Emergency Communications Centres.
38 Listeners
Firecom - FRV Western 4
Scanning FRV Western 4 servicing the western district of metropolitan Melbourne.
2 Listeners
Melbourne Orion Network
Orion Network - DMR - Connect DMRT3 system. Network handles different industries about Melbourne. Aviation, Public Bus Services, Security, Construction, Delivery, Utilities and much much more.
0 Listeners